The Left-leaning populace of this country has accepted the lie that a more socialistic form of government would be better than the current system that covers this land. And so …
The avarice of the flesh has a strong pull, for it leads a person’s heart to dark places within its tow, as those who succumb to its voice are driven …
The rescuer of mankind has come with deliverance in His wings so that the soul of every human being can know the justification that flows from being made clean. From …
To exalt My name is to lift it above all others by proclaiming My distinguished rank as Author: as the One who began all that is. So then, to say …
The Divine structure of My Kingdom is not found in the annals of man, nor can it be recorded in the way he remembers the world’s history. Even though many …
The legalization of recreational substances in this land has opened up the door of permission for the spirit of sorcery to retain a fixed position in this nation. For the …