It is the intention of the heart that draws Me; that pulls Me towards your vicinity. Since I can see what is inside each human being, when one of My …
The cup and the wafer represent what My Son did through salvation when His body and blood were laid down. His sacrifice was not something to take lightly, and that …
The lesser of two evils is the attitude of most when they approach polling places these days, for to choose a worthy candidate is now decided by who amongst the …
The mountains are crying out for their Maker, groaning with sounds only audible to My ears as Creation longs for My return, yearning for its rightful King to reclaim what …
The fields of this nation are covered with the blood of the innocent because of the choice to destroy human life before it is born. Because those in high places …
“Go west young man, go west!” was the call that drew many to this Golden State because the sunshine was plentiful and a better tomorrow was the guarantee it held. …