The head and the heart need to find agreement. This is the struggle for many of My children. They have heard My words taught, but it is the application of …
For those I am about to launch into ministry: A catapult slings an object forward with a certain point of landing devised ahead of time, with its logistical positioning predetermined …
Behold what manner of love the Father has given to us, the love He has bestowed upon, and extended to, a world filled with those undeserving; to receive such benevolence …
True contentment is not found in your surroundings or the things you own. It is found in Me, in who I am, by the one who seeks to dwell in …
I have the power to transform a life! Consider the analogy of the butterfly: often it is used to draw a comparison of what a person goes through when they …
Equipped now for battle, prepared for the fight, the warrior stands ready, poised and girded he takes the proper stance, yet heels dug in will profit him nothing if his …