Paneled Houses

by Lori Anne Hale
The man-made temples built in His name God is going to shake from Paneled Houses | My Daily Letters - MDL

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Who will help Me build My house? Who will rise from their seats and begin this holy endeavor?

So though all were assigned to this project, there are some who have abandoned these efforts altogether, while others have been unwilling to lift a finger at all, which has slowed My building process. Yet there are some laborers, though few in number, who have remained faithful to this cause and have devoted themselves to seeing this glorious mission fulfilled during their days upon the earth.

Then, just as it was in Haggai’s day, I have put forth the order to re-erect My house according to its original specifications, for the edifice that stands before Me now bears little resemblance to the early configuration I had established when the Ekklesia was first birthed. And so, I am stirring the hearts of the faithful remnant of laborers who have caught sight of that ancient vision and are eager to continue building My ‘true’ house.

Then through this small force, the emerging Ekklesia shall be fully revealed in this world, standing like a radiant Bride, who shall outshine previous decades of the Church. For surely I shall release a great outpouring of My glory upon this generation of believers.

Then what is standing as a current representation of My Church must be torn down, for what I have planned to build instead, cannot be constrained by walls made of mortar and brick. Therefore, I have come to shake My children loose from the ‘man-made temples’ they have built in My name, for these are just counterfeit structures used to bring fame and honor to others. So while I am the topic of their weekly discourse, these pastors and leaders have become the real headliners instead of Me, earning large paychecks for delivering “relevant” messages which tickle the ears of believers. It’s within these paneled houses where My complacent children sit with idle hands, unwilling to take part in the building of My ‘true’ house.To build His true house God is stirring the hearts of a remnant from Paneled Houses | My Daily Letters - MDL

Then like a loud clap of thunder that rumbles through the atmosphere, these lavish structures will be shaken, as a violent jolt hits the very foundations these houses were built upon, causing some to collapse, leaving only rubble, for I shall not share My glory with another! Yet from this debris shall rise the new formation I have already begun building (though the evidence of its existence is still not visible to the broader population of the Church, even though there are some who have already volunteered to join this new effort now underway).

Then it is through these laborers (although few in number) that a stream of My glory shall fill the earth. For what some have tried to manufacture through houses made of stone, shall divinely flow out of a temple built from the redemption of many souls.

So knowing this to be My intention, I shall ask the question again: Who will help Me build My house? If you give your consent, then indeed you shall be blessed, as it is the obedient who reap the benefits of My Kingdom in the here and now. 

Then don’t be content to remain in your overbuilt houses any longer, for I am raising up the true Ekklesia; she won’t, however, be birthed within the chambers or assembly halls of what is commonly known amongst believers as “the Church”.

“Then the word of the Lord came through the prophet Haggai: “Is it a time for you yourselves to be living in your paneled houses, while this house remains a ruin?” Now this is what the Lord Almighty says: “Give careful thought to your ways. You have planted much, but harvested little. You eat, but never have enough. You drink, but never have your fill. You put on clothes, but are not warm. You earn wages, only to put them in a purse with holes in it.” This is what the Lord Almighty says: “Give careful thought to your ways.” -Haggai 1:3-7

(Received: 7/23/2021)

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