Perpetrators, Punishments, & Peacemakers

by Lori Anne Hale
On Biden's illegitimate administration Gods judgment has fallen from Perpetrators, Punishments, & Peacemakers

The shadow government which has formed shall suddenly be exposed, as the truth that has been hidden behind metal barricades shall be brought forth into the light, where culpability will be difficult to deny. Then in this hour, which some might regard as late, there shall come the dismantling of these fenced walls, for I have already turned the key which unlocks those barred gates. 

And so shall the house of Biden fall, for it was merely a facade that had no real foundation, having been built without the support of the American people, and as such, was just a fabricated shell meant to resemble a valid administration, as one that was actually ordained by My will. Like a house of cards shall this ramshackle structure cave in upon itself, for its construction was built with inept hands by those who thought themselves to be rather astute and more than capable of overseeing the matters of State.

Ah, but upon their shoulders, this authority was not placed, and as such, shall be unable to bear up under its weight, as a president, king, or world leader must be divinely appointed to the task, as one I deemed suitable to govern, who thereby has standing among the kingdoms and nations of this world.

Yet upon the house of Biden, My mark of approval cannot be found, and therefore stands without My backing, which is the reason I have declared his presidency to be “illegitimate”. And while many might say the name Biden must be honored, for in the oval office does he sit, these would be wrong, as one does not pay homage to a thief and a scoundrel. 

Then say I, Biden: My reproach is upon your house, for you acted in rebellion of your own volition, though to ease your guilty conscience you have put the blame on others. But you were willing to be declared the winner, all the while knowing this to be untrue. And even when time was allotted for your repentance, you followed through with this ruse.

So then, the house of Biden shall ever stand disgraced. For even now, when your hours are ebbing away, do you refuse to recant your false claims that you are the rightful president: a lie that shall act like a millstone tied around your neck, as deeper down into the pit shall you sink without any hope of rescue in sight.

Ah, but do not think I have forgotten those insurrectionists who stood alongside you and knowingly perpetrated this lie, for they, too, are about to meet the swift hand of My judgment against them. However, even for those who have come to their senses and are willing to ‘blow the whistle’, penalties for their actions have been assessed, as they shall be unable to now avoid the consequences of their mistake. And although some of these turncoats shall surely run to Me in their hour of need, the repercussions for their actions shall still be felt, for much blame shall be squarely aimed in their direction because of the hardship borne by Americans when Biden stole the presidency. While these shall find forgiveness in Me, it shall, however, not be the case from most of this citizenry, as a sense of betrayal shall weigh heavy in the atmosphere.

Then even now the prayers for healing must be lifted for this nation, as bitterness shall seek to take root in the hearts of many. Therefore, cast aside your own grievances against Biden and his house, for these offenses shall only serve to hinder your witness. Remember, dear ones, you were called to be messengers of peace, and as such, must guard your words lest you, from your own tongue, add further insult to injuries already formed.

So contend against the spirit of anger which shall surely seek to assert dominion in the coming days. Pray that the wounds of resentment already festering know quick healing without any residual effects. Then stand in the gap between the parties: that political ravine which has served to divide this people. Call out for an outpouring of supernatural peace to rain over this entire nation so that the flames of hatred are extinguished before again aroused by the exploitive tactics of politicians who seek to turn any crisis to their advantage.

Let Me remind you again, Beloved, not to enter into useless arguments concerning politics, for this is ‘wasted breath’ that only stirs up strife and is not the road to recovering unity with your fellow countrymen. Therefore, keep your feet upon the path of humility and reconciliation where your aim, first and foremost, is to share the love of Christ with neighbor, stranger, and kin alike: even those you consider political opposition, as there should be no bias towards anyone found in the hearts of My children.

Then, say I: Be promoters of peace. For in the coming days many will be seeking relief to ease their worried minds which cannot be found in your political views, as it is the hope you carry within that is the answer to what troubles them. So do not hide your light behind the veil of politics. Throw that aside and let the light of Jesus shine in all you say and do.

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.” Matthew 5:9

(Received: 10/21/2022)

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