Position A Cup Before Me

by Lori Anne Hale
Upon the Church an outpouring of new wine is about to be poured out so Position A Cup Before Me | My Daily Letters - MDL

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The old wineskins have been brought back out to use when My children gather.

Though the shape and size is still the same, and has been resown to appear as if new, it unfortunately cannot contain the wine I shall pour out in the coming days. Because (in this current era of the Church) My vineyard shall yield a crop that is more robust in flavor and nature, what has seemed to work in the past shall no longer be useful. Since the structure of this new vintage has a stronger bouquet, trying to mix the leftover dregs from the old skins will only add a note of bitterness to the overall aroma, causing those who partake of this blend to leave with dissatisfaction in their hearts. 

However, because most believers were in a hurry to resume their traditional feasts, very few noticed that the old wineskins are filled mostly with air, as My hand has come to press out every drop from the last vintage. And while many expect to have their cup continually filled (as in the past there seemed to be huge vats filled to the brim), they still have not recognized that the flow has greatly diminished, and what they are being served contains very little of true substance.

But since these have been taught that this wine is an authentic crop from My vineyard, most have grown accustomed to the taste of this artificial batch. And so these same old wineskins have been accepted as the traditional vessels through which I operate.

This, however, is about to change. For I desire My children to savor the flavors of the purer religion of My Son, one that is not tainted by this world, nor constrained by the doctrines of man.

Then let all those who thirst for a drink of this new wine, no longer run to the old wineskins to be satisfied. Instead, come directly to the Vine Dresser: the One who is the source of all that is pure and holy. Do not be content with the old limited rendition of the fuller bodied wine that is about to be poured out, for none who are Mine ever need to settle for anything but the best.

So reject what is being offered as “new” (for some have assumed this was My meaning when I said a fresh outpouring was coming; it was not).

Then no longer drink from the old, but position a cup before Me, and wait in My presence until this new wine is poured out upon you.

“And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. Instead, new wine is poured into new wineskins.” Mark 2:22

(Received: 3/3/2021)

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