Pray Today For Tomorrow

by Lori Anne Hale
We can stop the spirit of fears next attack by battling now against him so Pray Today for Tomorrow | My Daily Letters - MDL

The steps taken to reopen the nation have not gone far enough.

For though the long delay is meant to curb the spread of this virus, the measures that were put into place to restart the nation and reinvigorate its economy shall only retard the flames of prosperity from fully igniting. While this cautious approach is thought to impede the progression of the virus and see that most who are carriers move past the contagious stage, unfortunately, as Americans go back to their jobs, the numbers of infected cases will begin to climb again; for isolation was not the way to break free from the grip of this virus. 

And so the people in this land are being held like hostages: as those whose movements have been restricted until their captors decide upon a release date and permit them to return to a more normal life again. Then, like a tortoise who is headed towards the finish line with slow but deliberate steps, those in command are not apt to move quickly on lifting the national restrictions holding this country because they are stuck focusing too much attention on “possible” scenarios and debating which course of action is the right plan. 

So while many sit at home unaffected by the virus, once the doors are reopened and their hands untied by the quarantine, quite a few of these will contract the virus. For if the country had remained in its normal flow, this contagion would have spread just like others that have entered this land. And though right now it seems like the voice of fear has been somewhat subdued, this antagonizing spirit is just biding his time knowing that in the coming days there will be plenty of opportunities to stir up the anxiety many are still holding inside themselves. 

Then, to see peace reign in this nation, the battle for its spiritual atmosphere must continue, so that this antagonizing spirit is run out for good: which means My own ought not to give up contending against the enemy in this fight for their country. So, cry out for My perfect love to cover this land, and for the warmth of My affections to invade every shadowy place this irritating spirit may be hiding. 

To prevent fear from building again believers must contend now and Pray Today for Tomorrow | My Daily Letters - MDL

Know this also, though the government is trying to stall and stave off what they know is coming, a rebound of illness is about to hit and cannot be avoided. For some citizens think that once the quarantine is lifted, the virus will be gone, giving many the idea that the wise precautions of good hygiene can be forgotten, and thus will become infected. Therefore, My children must ready the battle lines now so that this resurgence of fear is kept from fully forming. For if My own hold their ground and raise their spiritual weapons (designed for warfare) in an offensive stance, by striking now at the spirit of fear that came in with this virus, he won’t have the chance to raise panic across this nation again. Then, pray today for tomorrow, so that the reopening of this country is met with a peaceful transition, and that My hand of mercy moves to put an end to this virus along with its effects on the populations of mankind.

So pray today for tomorrow, and hit this enemy spirit with a surprise attack, for he won’t be expecting this onslaught of faith to hit his encampments, as this offense-minded approach will catch him off guard and weaken his ability to do the maximum harm he has planned. And since any General worth His salt knows that an offensive attack is preferable to waiting on the enemy to come charging, I am sending My troops out now to where the unsuspecting opposition is sitting, in order to establish a solid perimeter, a line so formidable that the enemy cannot muster the strength to break through it. Then, when I ride in on My noble steed, this spirit of fear will have no choice but to flee. So, join forces with Me again by praying today for tomorrow; for the time has come to drive the spirit of fear associated with this virus out of the atmosphere once and for all.

Then, do not wait but pray today for tomorrow; for this sound strategy, when employed, has been proven time and again to produce victorious results. So while it is today, rise up and pray again for your nation so that your voice is added with others across this land, and your fervent prayers shall indeed cause an obvious change in the atmospheric dynamics covering this land.

Therefore, raise your weapons, and let’s strike this enemy down! And while today is upon you, launch out after the enemy, then watch as he runs away like a coward. For neither, he nor any other evil foe has the might to overcome My army as it marches in to take back the land it was given. So pray today for tomorrow, and let’s decimate the enemy’s plans before he has time to regroup and attack again.

“There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” 1 John 4:18


(Received: 4/17/2020)

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