Prepared For His Visit

by Lori Anne Hale
For the coming revival individual believers must ready their hearts to be Prepared For His Visit | My Daily Letters - MDL

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There can be no revival until My Spirit comes. And though some are proclaiming it has started, this is not the consuming fire which I have promised, as what I am doing now shall not resemble the way My Spirit moved in the past.

While the salvation of many fills My heart with joy, when this resurgence begins it will first start within the Church, for it is My Body that must know a rejuvenation before this flame burns in and through their communities.

Then let none run ahead trying to force My promise to come. Simply position yourselves in My Presence, for a sincere heart that seeks to be with Me is all that I desire. Resist the urge, therefore, to run here or there hoping to be caught in this blaze of holy fire, for when it ignites, none shall question whether it has started because the evidence shall be undeniable.

For far too long My children have sought the “show”, looking to be wowed by the manifestation of signs and wonders. Yet even after experiencing the miraculous, many are left with a craving for more. However, this internal longing cannot be satisfied through occasional experiences of My power, as it is the development of a deeper relationship with their Maker and Father that shall fill this need they carry.

This, then, is where the revival shall arise: out of hearts that are prepared to receive it, for those who are waiting and watching shall be overcome with this fire because they have prepared for His visit. For who among you, when knowing a guest is coming, does not ready their home beforehand to welcome their company?

Then let the ‘Church’ make preparation now, as indeed revival is coming (it is the individual believer to whom I am referring and not the corporate church structure), for it is time alone in My Presence, dwelling in this sacred habitation, which shall strengthen My children so that when this spiritual enlivening flows, they will be more than equipped to take back their communities from the enemy.

Know that a self-focused, experience driven Church will not be effective in the days ahead. And so I am calling upon My Body to break off these impediments so that when the flame of revival spreads, it continues to burn with the pure intention of seeing the lost saved, and has cast off all concern of building a ‘ministry’.

“LORD, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, LORD. Repeat them in our day, in our time make them known…” Habakkuk 3:2

(Received: 2/11/2021)

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