Surely a gross injustice has been done to the people of this nation, for indeed were those rights guaranteed to them as American citizens intentionally violated. And while a good portion of this populace are aware of this malfeasance, still have their true offenders yet to be apprehended, though the guilt of these perpetrators is blatantly obvious.
Then, what is this people to do when the wrongs carried out against them were done by their own government? How, then, can they expect to see justice served? For even when concrete evidence is brought forth that proves election fraud was actually committed, still has that which was stolen yet to be restored.
And so does the battle over who controls this nation continue on. However, because the powers that be are determined to have their way, breaking a few laws to achieve said goal is, to them, simply a necessary step to seeing the fulfillment of their overall agenda, which is the complete annihilation of American freedom. Thus are these government officials found operating by their own set of rules, for they regard themselves as standing above the statutes which are intended to govern every citizen of this land.
So though even now are the true loyalists of this republic attempting to push back against the tyranny which is threatening to overtake this nation from within, still have these patriots been unable to secure a full and complete victory, for those who hate this country have set into place reinforced blockades all along her Judicial Branch, making it a difficult task for true justice to be served, as this branch of the government now exists in a highly weaponized state, unlike that which has been seen in past decades.
And while the compromised condition of this judicial branch has been exposed, still do these corrupt judges stay seated, and as such are they operating as obstacles, preventing the American people from receiving the adequate justice they are due. For these supposed impartial arbitrators of the law are, even now, predisposed to favoring the opposition, and therefore, the decisions they render, in most cases, are done so with intentional bias. And so even though a preponderance of evidence exists proving that election fraud actually did transpire across the nation, yet has an overturning of the results not occurred in the manner or time frame to which many had hoped.
Then in an altered existence does this nation remain, as if suspended in an extended state of limbo: that space between the promise and its fulfillment, where what I have spoken has yet to come to pass. And so because this span of waiting has gone on longer than expected, and the victory has yet to manifest, the hearts of My warriors have already begun to fade, as very few are still found fighting in this battle over America, where a good portion who line My ranks have counted this particular campaign as a useless endeavor. As such, have these weary soldiers abandoned their posts, leaving only a remnant behind to contend against the enemy.
Then to those who are still actively engaged upon this battlefront do I say, “Don’t give up, but soldier on! For surely shall your continued warfare usher in the promised victory. Therefore, do not listen to the voice of doubt which seeks to draw you into forming a partnership with unbelief. Instead, remain in a stance of unwavering faith, and persist in your warfare”.
Direct your prayers then upon the Judicial Branch of this government. Pray that every blockade the enemy has erected throughout her courts are brought down so that the scales of justice are once again balanced, and that the authority of those corrupt judges is removed. Cry out to Me again and again, asking for My intervention, for surely is it My Hand alone that shall overturn this enemy stronghold.
Persevere then, dear ones, persevere, even though in the physical realm it may appear as if not much headway is being made in this battle to reclaim justice. For the true state of this campaign cannot be ascertained with the naked eye, and thus should it not be assumed that little forward advancement has been made.
Therefore, do I say, “Charge on!”, for My intentions regarding this particular campaign are much broader than you can now ascertain, as I mean to drive out the darkness that is currently occupying this branch of your government so that the authority found therein, is no longer wielded as a weapon against the American people. So then again, do I say, “Charge on!”.
“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:33
(Received: 12/1/2023)