Remove The Old Guard

by Lori Anne Hale
To both Houses in Washington God is coming to bring reformation and Remove the Old Guard | My Daily Letters - MDL

The average number of years served by those who hold seats in Congress goes much past their usefulness, for these men and women have become embedded (like permanent fixtures on a wall) into the governing body of this country.

But because these lawmakers write the rules, the only branch of the government with term limits is that of the president, giving these representatives the ability to hold their seats indefinitely. And since these leaders have found this career path very lucrative, quite a few who would have already retired from job positions in normal society are found roaming these halls unwilling to vacate their seat unless forced out during an election.

Then it’s these senior representatives who have climbed up the political ranks which are the ones leading this nation right off a cliff. For they would like nothing better than to see the architectural structure of their government cave in, like a house built upon the edge of a high ridge which eventually erodes due to the combative nature of the waves.

And so these ranking leaders have been pushing through legislation meant to weaken the very foundation upon which this nation rests, so that right now she is teetering right on the brink of destruction, where what she once was will no longer exist because these bureaucrats have plans to build a whole new governmental structure, one which resembles those built by foreign architects.For the winds of reformation to blow through Washington believers are to pray from Remove the Old Guard | My Daily Letters - MDL

So while it is important to continue contending over the election results, those warriors who are still engaged in this fight need to grab hold of My long-game strategy, which is to see that these ‘old guards’ who have rebelled against Me are removed from their seats. Therefore, any and all from these two assemblies who have turned the holding of a governing seat into a political career must be removed, as they shall be nothing but obstructionists who try to block the way of My unfolding plan for this nation.

It is time that these leaders are forced into retirement. So My faithful warriors must pray now that My hand comes and swiftly removes them from office. Because it is the nature of politics to be competitive (played much like a game of chess), this old guard will continue to play a rigged game, looking for every opportunity to best the President, and see he is made a disgrace before this nation and her people.

All those who believe Me to be disinterested in politics must remember that I watch over all the comings and goings of man in order to faithfully administer My plan until it is finished.

So then pray beyond this current battle that My winds of reformation not only blow through the Church, but also in and through both these branches of government. Pray that the faulty framework constructed by this old guard is demolished, without even a nail or screw left in place to distort the original design I had ordained for this nation.

Be embolden today to pray against the works of these rebellious leaders, for I have seen that both chambers could use a good cleaning, where each side of the aisle is purged of the old governing body, and the “new” that I desire to do can be ushered in, where men and women who hold Godly honor are raised up and given these empty seats.

For not from the east or from the west and not from the wilderness comes lifting up, but it is God who executes judgment, putting down one and lifting up another.” Psalm 75:6-7

(Received: 11/20/2020)

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