Seed To The Sower

by Lori Anne Hale
Sowing financial seed is something God will as us to do from Seed to the Sower | My Daily Letters - MDL

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“I supply seed to the sower”…this is a true statement.

Sometimes the seed to be sown is financial, where the sower is challenged to scatter monetarily into the various areas of My house to those ministries and people which I have incorporated into their territory as part of the ground they occupy. But not always in a physical sense (like giving to missionaries or divine works established in other regions), yet the sower is still connected to these co-laborers in a spiritual manner through prayer and supplication, providing ongoing support in the spiritual realm.

This is, in part, how I build My kingdom: through hands that are willing to give and who consider it a privilege when I ask them to release funds into the livelihood or vision of another. For these know I don’t think it a small matter, even when the size given is not considerable. You see, My focus doesn’t rest on the quantity of the offering, but on the quality of the heart that has been challenged to be generous.

Though the widow had very little, she rose to the occasion when I asked her to trust Me. She understood I was her “keeper”. Then, what I saw when My gaze fell upon her, was one who simply believed Me, and who, through a quiet gesture of faith, signaled the release of her life into My care. However, those around her paid little attention to this true sacrifice, for they thought the large amount they had set aside as an offering gained them much more importance.

But this is not how I weigh what is given. For a large sum of cash doesn’t impress Me, nor does it garner any extra favor. What fills Me with delight is a heart that has decided to step into our relationship all the way, relying completely on My ability to sustain them; those who see the act of generosity as a gift and count it a blessing when I ask them to sow into the life of another; those who do not dismiss moments of surrender, for they are certain these sacrificial transactions carry a deeper significance. These are the ones who eagerly reach out to give without any concern for tomorrow.

Our faith grows through challenges of generosity from Seed to the Sower | My Daily Letters - MDL

A heart that holds nothing back from Me is indeed the one counted as more profitable. For the focus of this individual is not fixed upon the number held between their purse strings, but is set much higher on those things which are incorruptible, that cannot be purchased no matter the amount donated (though at times, I may ask one of My own to give more because it is the condition of their inner man that concerns Me).

This is why I include opportunities for My children to practice generosity, as I know what this course of action produces. I have seen the faith that is built in My beloved when I issue this kind of challenge; one which pushes them to go beyond their current means by giving out of their lack. I tell you, what is achieved in those moments is irreplaceable and cannot be summed up with a few dollar signs, for it is linked to those things everlasting.

So to My children, I say, “Don’t shy away from giving”, even if it is only a small sum, because the benefits developed through this charitable practice will only bring growth and expansion. Then, as you continue to trust Me by placing your life in My hands, you will learn to rest in the idea of Me as your Provider; the One who will uphold you for all of your days and who promises to remain by your side even in the toughest struggle.

Therefore, let your heart be filled with delight when I ask you to be generous, as the joy it produces should be counted in itself a reward, for this type of openhanded obedience has the power to displace the work of the enemy, breaking off the chains of selfishness he sought to use as bondage. When you greet My challenge of giving with a merry heart, it enables you to gain greater insight into how My kingdom functions here on earth and creates further understanding of what My Son meant when He stated, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

“He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness. You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God.”                    2 Corinthians 9:10-11

(Received: 11/29/18)

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