
by Lori Anne Hale
When those who know what is upright do nothing to prevent is spread evil expands from Self-Preservation | My Daily Letters - MDL

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When this nation was thrust into war, her troops were sent to a distant shore, ready to engage an enemy who was bent on world domination. Then with a clear main objective, which was to stop this tyrant from succeeding, these freedom fighters did not give up until their goal was accomplished. But, truth be told, these soldiers were not prepared for the level of depravity they would uncover once they reached the enemy’s homeland, as those who did not fit in keeping with his dark plan for a “master race” were first marked with labels, and then became victims of extreme cruelty.

While most who lived in the “fatherland” knew of the abomination being committed by their leaders, these citizens simply looked the other way, unwilling to stand up against what they knew to be wrong. This wickedness, then, persisted and was allowed to spread because those who should have stood up gave their consent by doing nothing at all, for risking their own safety to help their neighbors was not a chance they were willing to take. So though the evidence of a great injustice lay right outside their front door, still very few did anything to aid their fellow countrymen, as self-preservation was their only concern.

Yet this is precisely how evil expands its grip: when those who know what is moral and upright turn aside and do nothing to prevent its spread. Although the enemy of that day was easy to identify, because he stood right out in the open declaring his intentions, still these citizens did not act, missing opportunities early on to prevent his rise to power and put a quick end to his fanatical campaign. However, since this militant was not immediately struck down, his rabid ideology became commonplace amongst that nation’s society, resulting in the fact that the true enemy driving this despot (the evil one who dwells in the unseen) was then able to snatch the hearts of their youth: those who would easily be fooled into accepting his lies and deception, thereby embracing his evil rhetoric as true. The atrocities committed during that time needn’t have been so, but for the absence of vigilant watchmen on the spiritual and societal borders of that land, as those who professed belief in Me turned a blind eye as well.

Yet, these words are not offered as a criticism of that day, but as a warning, so that history does not repeat itself in this nation.

Oh, when will this people wake up and see that the real enemy from days past is the same one today and that his tactics have not changed, which is the reason such an aggressive offensive has been launched against the hearts of their children. Know then, that though his evil scheme has already taken many young souls captive, there is still time to stem the tide of his aggression, thus preventing even more casualties from this attack.In this current battle all believers are responsible for contending from Self-Preservation | My Daily Letters - MDL

Therefore instead of simply saying “I don’t agree with the cultural norms being pushed!” (those ideals which embrace immoral behavior and elevate vapid philosophies that deny the existence of absolute truth), see yourselves as soldiers who have been called up to active duty; as all who are enlisted in My army are charged with fighting this war.

Yet to see this battle won won’t be birthed using the methods of man, for no earthly general or politician has the knowledge, nor the prowess, to defeat the evil rampage now coming against the people of this nation. No, it is with the weapons of My realm that this attack will be thwarted, by those whose gaze rests upon the battlefield that lies beyond this earthly realm.

Don’t merely complain about the current state of the national atmosphere, but actually enter this spiritual fight. For how much worse must conditions become in your country before you will answer My call to arms? Or has passivity also filled your hearts just like those from the not too distant past: those who thought, “…this, too, shall pass…”, and then silently sat by while wickedness prevailed throughout their land? Have you not the courage of your convictions to raise your swords now and strike down the enemy that has invaded your shores?

Then do not be preoccupied with idle thoughts or useless distractions, believing you are exempt from the battle, or that the responsibility to contend rests upon someone else’s shoulders. The enemy has made his intentions known, regardless of the tone of his delivery; so do not think his words were in jest. His challenge must, therefore, be taken seriously, or many are the souls that shall perish because you, who could have acted, did nothing, allowing him to steal the young hearts of your nation.

“If you are slack (careless) in the day of distress, your strength is limited. Rescue those who are being taken away to death, and those who stagger to the slaughter. Oh, hold them back [from their doom]! If you [claim ignorance and] say, “See, we did not know this”, does He not consider it who weighs and examines the hearts and their motives? And does He not know it, who guards your life and keeps your soul? And will He not repay [you and] every man according to his works?” -Proverbs 24:10-12 (AMP)

(Received: 7/10/2021)

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