Sins Of The Ruling Class

by Lori Anne Hale
For God's justice to come believers must cry out from Sins of The Ruling Class | My Daily Letters - MDL

When a flagrant dereliction of duty occurs, where an individual intentionally abandons his post or misuses the power of his command, then that soldier is usually brought before military authorities and discharged from the ranks with the penalty determined by a court-martial. His reputation is then permanently marred, for this ruling is a warning to others that this one has a questionable character, and therefore, should not be trusted.

But, what if the one who has been shamefully negligent is seated amongst the top brass, those who have climbed up the ranks, and are in command of many battalions? Who do these answer to when their conduct is less becoming of one bearing the title of an officer? Are these given a pass because of their prestigious title, or, should they, too, be held to account for their crimes?

Unfortunately, in this nation, it is much more difficult to bring such charges and then make them stick when these individuals who hold a high position in government break the law, especially when that person has been elected to public office. For those who write the laws the common man must follow have given themselves a caveat, meaning they can choose to break the rules with impunity.

And so even when their underhanded schemes are revealed for all to see, very few of these crafty bureaucrats are ever brought up on charges. Although some around them may fall, when, or if, public pressure against them becomes too intense, these leaders simply resign from office, and quietly fade into obscurity, without ever having to face any kind of legal punishment.

If one were to count the number of politicians whose reputations were tarnished by misdeeds, they would not have enough fingers as the number extends well beyond the ten on both hands. What a sad commentary this is on the government of America! For her founding fathers were inspired to set up this Republic in order to see that her people were free from living under a ruling class, those who dictate to others how they must live, yet did not follow these laws themselves.from their illegitimate thrones pray that many more are exposed and brought down from Sins of The Ruling Class | My Daily Letters - MDL

However, those in this nation that have set themselves up to rule over this citizenry like kings and queens who decree from thrones, shall be knocked down from their high towers. I did not establish this nation to be another monarchy, nor did I set its borders to be ruled like that of other countries where the lives of its people are dictated by its government. No, this land and her people were meant to be exceptional, as each person born on her shores is guaranteed the right to choose how they shall live, without the coercion of the heavy hand of a bureaucratic system, designed to limit personal liberties, and squelch any freedom of expression.

Then none who live in this nation should take for granted the privilege of dwelling in a country where they can openly discuss their opinions without fear of repercussions. However, if some political leaders have their way, soon this won’t be the case, because these leaders are bent on controlling the population through laws designed to serve another purpose.

A ruling class has begun forming within the governmental tier of this country, where the bureaucrats consider themselves and their families “untouchable”, which is why many of these are found shamelessly breaking the law. For in this part of society, most are given a pass from prosecution even when their corrupt deeds are uncovered. This is why none should be surprised that even with the revelations of the former VP’s involvement in shady business dealings, so little has been said, for this is simply how things are now done in Washington.

Yet I am not content to leave America in this state, as it is My intention to see her citizens remain a free people, those who have a say in their own future. Then none should take lightly the stories swirling around the former VP, but instead must pray for My justice to be done in this nation, and then many more of those who have ruled over America will be exposed and brought down from their illegitimate thrones.

So cry out for My justice to be done! For what is the point of uncovering the truth unless there is some form of consequence for these who have exploited their position? Don’t just rejoice that these sins have been found out, but let the prayers you lift go beyond simply this uncovering, and let your voices cry out for My justice to be rendered in this nation.

“Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; love and faithfulness go before you.” Psalm 89:14

(Received: 11/1/2020)

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