Sons And Daughters

by Lori Anne Hale
God adopts everyone who accepts Jesus as Savior into His family from Sons and Daughters | My Daily Letters - MDL

Behold what manner of love the Father has given to us, the love He has bestowed upon, and extended to, a world filled with those undeserving; to receive such benevolence and grace, accepted as those He calls His own; now, referenced as His children with the noblest lineage. He seats them amongst the Heavenlies with the crown of glory placed upon their heads, which is given to those who have accepted His invitation, with all the rights and privileges of true heirs.

For He did not hold anything back when extending the offer of adoption to graft each into His family; all of whom are viewed as His children, without exception or clauses applied regarding their former position, or their past affiliations. For at once, having affirmed this eternal agreement, the place of sonship is held and unable to be removed, without any outside force qualified to come against what has been sealed through an everlasting bond. There is no other allowed to rise up and remove His elect from their position.

Sons and daughters is how they shall be known from now on, and throughout eternity, regally clothed in the robes of His love, and standing in the position of those having received the highest honor, which could only be acquired through the sacrificial gift that was given to any who would choose to believe in the one true Son and rightful King. Those who are able to see the price which was paid (in order to be known as His children) was beyond their true worth: more than their real value. For these recognize, even in their undeserving station, how great is the gain from such an unselfish gesture; to reap the benefits of unmerited favor, poured out upon those who would never be able to repay that which was freely given, or earn the right to obtain the title on their own.

And now, they are presented as unmarred of a past filled with grievances formerly held against them, no longer recognized as ever having stood in the place of opposition, or considered enemies due to their earthly heritage; who came from the line filled with corruption and malice, and could never achieve a more suitable position than that of sitting among the most detestable: those whose hearts are filled with selfish deeds, only ever capable of focusing upon their own needs and deviant desires, utterly incapable of producing anything of true worth, or bring about any lasting goodness.So we could become children of God, Jesus paid the ultimate price from Sons and Daughters | My Daily Letters - MDL

For these souls were of the vilest sort, accustomed to existing in a life defiled by sin; born into the legacy of darkness, and situated there by the actions of one man, who will forever be known as having partnered with evil. That first man ushered it into the lives of his descendants, having since been passed down through his line, and will continue to be for all time. The inheritance he left for his kin, whose hearts have been patterned after his ways, and who willfully follow the path he has laid, set his heirs in the place of opposition to the One who is the only Father and Creator.

Yet, to those who are willing, the Father eagerly welcomes in, settling them as His children through the covenant of love; forgetting forever their former manner of life, and moving them in among the blameless, as He gives them new names; identifying them forever as His children: sons and daughters of the heavenly realm, and living as those who have been accepted and established as His very own.

“Behold what manner of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God. And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know Him.” 1 John 3:1

(Received: 6/16/2018)

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