Speak Up!

by Lori Anne Hale
A bountiful harvest are the fields ripe for gleaning so Speak Up! | My Daily Letters - MDL

Then say I, are not the fields ripe for the harvest? Yet who shall go forth and gather this considerable bounty? Where are the laborers, those hired hands meant to be out tending My fields? Are they not aware that the hour of gleaning is at hand? How much longer shall you sit idle in your seats while all around you the lost are perishing? Or do you still not perceive the greater need in your communities?

Then say I, get up! For you have become nothing but gluttonous sheep, feasting day and night upon spiritual knowledge, desirous of those teachings which tickle your ears, yet you neglect the fields to which you were commissioned, as they stand virtually untouched. Though I have pronounced the season (making the time clear to all who would listen), many of you hired hands have shut your ears, thinking only of your own lives and what pleases you; content are you to sit upon the sidelines watching while others labor away. Oh, how uninterested are you in sharing your faith and of testifying to another of My good Name, that your light has become barely a flicker (though by now it should have grown into an all-consuming blaze). Then even to those seen teetering on the edge of the abyss you do not extend the lifeline of salvation, as their plight is of no consequence to you.

Ah then, people of God, have I not rightly discerned the condition of your hearts? For indeed you have ignored the charge which was given to all who would become followers of Christ. 

Then do not take this calling lightly, as indeed on the day of judgment shall you not stand before Me and offer an account for your days? What shall you say then about your lack of concern for the lost among you?

Listen up you people of the Most High God, and make preparations now to begin gleaning! For surely in this season a great many souls shall be harvested and added to My Kingdom. Yet that number would surely know increase if each laborer was manning his assigned field. Therefore, do not be caught among those hired hands asleep upon the arrival of the ‘Master’s special envoy’, or you, too, shall miss this blessed occurrence, as your attention won’t be focused in the right direction.

Take this call seriously then, you people of God, for the fields have already been primed for a great bounty, and as such, what excuse could you offer that would be deemed satisfactory for not helping to gather in this harvest? There is none! Therefore be ready to share with any who cross your path of the eternal hope that you carry, for surely these should each be counted as ‘divine intersections’ where the love of Christ can be expressed in both word and deed. 

Speak up, then, speak up! The world around you needs to hear the Message of My Son, which is why you people of God must speak up!

 “My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work. Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. Even now the one who reaps draws a wage and harvests a crop for eternal life, so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together. Thus the saying ‘One sows and another reaps’ is true. I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor.” John 4:34-38

(Received: 08/26/2022)

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