The Altar Of Surrender

by Lori Anne Hale
Our conduct guidepost for how to walk through adversity is Jesus from The Altar of Surrender | My Daily Letters - MDL

The population of My Church is undergoing some reconstruction. 

I am working through the current circumstances in the nation to effect internal change within each of them, for I do not waste a single moment to bring growth into their lives. My children should count this season of adversity with joy, for even in the midst of this continuing lockdown, I am working all things out for their good. So, during these difficult days, if they will establish this broader vision in their hearts, then an end to the quarantine won’t be the only miraculous change that happens in their lives.

Therefore, less focus should be placed upon what has been lost while living under these restrictions (like freedom of movement and employment), with more attention given to their inner transformation. Instead of holding a negative posture, where frustration leads some to the boiling point, let the hearts of My own dwell upon the divine transactions which could only be afforded them during this season: those moments where each one can trade the “old” for the “new”, and where old habits and mindsets can be forever cast off and replaced by the better thoughts of My Kingdom. 

Then, if any of My own have forgotten or misunderstood the way I desire them to walk in this world, I’ve left the perfect example, which is witnessed through My Son. For never once did He fret about the societal rules pressed upon Him by men, for His words and actions always mirrored My own. Therefore, let His fine conduct be their guidepost, even in these difficult days. For although He did not hold a job or own any property, I still met all of His needs and provided Him shelter. And when the governing authorities came against Him, He addressed these leaders with the Truth and did not defend His own reputation. So, if this is how My own Son acted while on earth, then let His behavior illuminate the path which My own are to follow. He never allowed His circumstances to dictate His response, or His attitude, regardless of how intense or oppressive was the opposition. 

My own must resist the inclination to react to this pandemic with their “old” way of thinking, for these thoughts are rooted in the flesh, and breed nothing profitable. However, when My children approach life from the view of ‘heaven to earth’, and engage each situation from this higher perspective, they can then find “treasure” even in these days of quarantine, where the good I long to do in their lives is uncovered.

Because My own carry the “hope” born through salvation, and the Message held in their hearts of a better existence waiting on the other side of this world, they should no longer act like those yet unsaved. But until that time comes, each of My children are called to exemplify the heart of Heaven while living in this world, where My love for humanity is expressed through their kind words and interactions.

There is an opportunity for inner transformation during this pandemic on The Altar of Surrender | My Daily Letters - MDL

Therefore, My own should have this expectation: that in these times of trial and affliction, I have afforded something “more” than just a lesson on physical hardship, for in this season they have the opportunity to learn how to walk as citizens of My Kingdom here on earth. Then, lay aside all of your limited thinking and allow Me to bring deeper revelation. For those who have fixed their eyes on the things above are better able to find the gold within every situation, even those circumstances which threaten to take away their livelihood and all they own.

What reason then, do believers have to become frantic or inflamed by the actions of their civil leaders, or upset by the decisions of family members or neighbors? 

So know that those I hold dear can never lose what is really important. For who can steal their Heavenly citizenship as joint heirs to My Kingdom? Then, if their soul is safely kept and I have promised to care for their needs, why become fearful about the current circumstances plaguing society? For if they are called “sons and daughters”, then they can expect Me to treat them with the same level of affection I have for My Son, as none of those who have accepted Him as Savior should ever worry about the future; for anxious thoughts can do nothing to change what is happening today, or tomorrow, or even next week. 

Leave these lowly thoughts behind, and move upward, onto the higher thought life of those whose confidence has been solidly placed on Me: the One who can see all that shall be long before it becomes known in the present. And since this is true, and because I am the consummate planner, every detail to see them safely through this season of adversity was worked out well in advance. And so therefore, do not, by taking action, join in with those who are striving: those who are hoping to pressure the government’s hand. For if My own will use these days wisely and see it as a time for inner transformation, then they will have gained so much more than just being released from the confinement of quarantine. Let Me then show each one the places within that were meant to be changed during this season, for I desire to release more internal freedom so that some old chains, holding ungodly mindsets, are broken off.

Therefore, here is the course of action I am requesting from each of My own, which is: to pray for your nation and government. But then, also, to lay yourself on the altar of surrender again, where I can expose those spaces inside that have yet to be given to Me. So set your heart before Me and let My hand get to work, for if you will trust Me with even those parts of your being (those places you have held back), on the other side of this pandemic, you will emerge as a different person, changed from the inside out; just as a butterfly emerges from a cocoon, no longer seen the same, because a transformation has happened while hidden away.

Therefore, surrender your heart upon the altar again. And though it may be a little painful as you undergo these pangs of change, and feel the stretching of your faith, I promise that if you allow Me the room to operate, you will never see your life, nor its circumstances, present or future, in the same way again. For once the “old” is cut off and replaced by the “new”, every person and problem you encounter will no longer be met with a negative view.

Therefore, give your heart permission to surrender to Me, and let’s get about the transformational work I designed to happen during these days of adversity.

“Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.” James 1:12

(Received: 4/26/2020)

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