The Ant And The Grasshopper

by Lori Anne Hale
Until it is finished believers must commit to fighting the battle from The Ant and The Grasshopper | My Daily Letters - MDL

Beloved, do not think the results of this election to be a forgone conclusion. Do not assume that you needn’t pray because the outcome is a sure thing. For your victory will be borne only if you continue marching in line with My orders.

Therefore, commit yourselves to fight in this battle until it is finished, until each state whose results are in question are flipped, giving the number of Electoral votes to the sitting President. And though I have promised a victorious end to this campaign, it will only arise if My children remain vigilant, and press in against the enemy until you see the fear in his eyes.

However, I am aware that quite a few of My soldiers will allow the pressures of life to pull their attention away from this battle. Thankfully, there are some of My own who will stay actively fighting until I sound the trumpet for their warfare on this matter to cease. Yet just because these faithful warriors have resolved to stand their ground for the entire war, that does not negate the responsibility each of My soldiers has in this particular battle.To contend for this nation every believer was called from The Ant and The Grasshopper | My Daily Letters - MDL

Consider the ant and the grasshopper: while the one went about preparing for the season ahead, the grasshopper abandoned his efforts and put off what needed to be done in those moments. For in the back of his mind he knew the ant would carry the load, and when the time came, he would just share in her spoils.

But since I know the commitment level of each soldier who lines My ranks, I have already seen which ones lack the zeal to stay in the fight. And though I still love these complacent children, the internal work of perseverance I wanted them to learn during this battle will be delayed, and set aside for another time. For it is in the heat of warfare that a warrior learns how to really fight, regardless of the amount of studying he or she has done on the subject.

So don’t excuse yourself from the battle thinking you shall sit this one out, abdicating your position to your fellow brethren. Cast off any vain thoughts which say, “Since I too am a citizen of Heaven, instead of contending for this conflict, I will simply revel in the victorious end of this conquest with those believers who actually fought in the battle!”. For you also were called up to actively contend against the enemy who is seeking to destroy your nation.

Therefore, when the rolls are called of all those who are enlisted in My ranks, let your name be marked as “present”, so that what I desire to be done in and through you during this season is accomplished.

“The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; He delivers them from all their troubles.” –Psalm 34:17

(Received: 11/14/2020)

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