The Archetype

by Lori Anne Hale
Gods perfect expression of love towards humanity is Jesus The Archetype | My Daily Letters - MDL

The archetype for the Church is Jesus, for He was the perfect expression of the Father’s love towards humanity, as the living embodiment of Heaven here on earth.

Yet most who declare themselves His followers, those who have professed that Christ is indeed the Savior, are still mimicking the world, embracing a form of godliness which suits them best, for very few are willing to walk the path of complete surrender, where their entire life is laid down as a sacrificial offering before the One who dwells in Supremacy over creation and all of humanity.

So when challenged to live as Jesus did, who trusted the Father without question, the number who say “yes” is only a small fraction of the Church in its entirety. This is because, while the benefit of eternal life is appealing, the cost of being transformed into Christ’s image is more than quite a few are willing to pay. And so most believers remain virtually the same as they did when saved. Though these children are still precious to the Father, their quality of existence in this life is impaired, for it is still true that to live is Christ, and therefore, it is He alone who should be magnified in all they say or do, giving His cause the preeminence over their own wants and wishes.

It would seem that most have forgotten the price He paid to obtain their freedom: that unjust penalty He accepted to fulfill the death sentence hanging over those who deserved to be punished. Yet even then Jesus held nothing back from God the Father and willingly gave up His life as the ransom for many.

Then if Christ alone is the example to follow, as the established role model for the Body, shouldn’t the Church far and wide bear a greater resemblance to Him, the firstborn of this divine lineage?

Unfortunately, worldliness and the appetites of the flesh are more visible in among today’s followers, for a watered down message about sinfulness, filled with compromise, has been preached in too many pulpits, as leaders seek not to offend their parishioners in hopes of keeping their sanctuaries filled to maximum capacity. Herein lies the reason many will fall away during this season of persecution, for when pressured to decide which voice they will follow, and because their flesh was never subdued, without much hesitation these shall flee back to the world, like a dog who returns to its vomit, never having lost the taste for idolatry and the evil practices of men.

Then it is those who desire to be like Him who shall endure the coming days without wavering in their faith: those who are willing to undergo hardship or pain if it brings glory to Jesus’ name, for they shall count it a joy to serve Him when it requires that they, too, are asked to suffer.

So before these darker days fully envelope this land, let those who follow Christ examine themselves, casting off any worldliness that has ensnared their hearts. For to persevere when greater adversity comes requires the strengthening of their inner man.

Cast aside all that is holding you back from embracing a surrendered life and lean into My prompting, for I know each area within that still needs to be sacrificed on the altar. Don’t turn away when you feel this internal nudge, but recognize that it’s My finger which is pointing to where your flesh is still in command. Release these areas to Me, and let this part of your flesh be crucified with Christ in order that you may live more fully as a reflection of Him in this world.

“So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh craves what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are opposed to each other, so that you do not do what you want.” -Galatians 5:16-17


(Received: 3/2/2021)

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