The Arrow Of Truth

by Lori Anne Hale
When waiting for each of us to accept Him, God uses extraordinary patience before launching The Arrow of Truth | My Daily Letters - MDL

When I acquire a target, I set its heart in My sights. Then I take careful aim, deciding when to pull back My bow and send My “Arrow of Truth” sailing towards this mark. For just like an archer who studies his game, I carefully consider those I see holding value: the ones who would fit splendidly in amongst My chosen, those I cherish as My most prized possessions.

For these have been worthy of the wait and the time it has taken to line up the right point of connection; a space where these hearts will pause and glance My direction, giving Me the perfect opening to act. For I have already seen when this moment will arrive, the exact instant for My “Arrow of Truth” to be launched. 

Since I have already determined when the wind is just right, it will carry My shot so it lands in the correct spot, causing these hearts I am after to yield to Me in surrender. Though I have resigned Myself to waiting to meet each one of these, I have, however, run ahead and scouted out the terrain, so I know when the conditions will be exceptional for each of these treasures to become My own. 

For the wise Archer uses extraordinary patience when tracking His trophy: the ones He can’t live without. Therefore, He is prepared to hold back until each of these hearts align with His plans to snatch them out from the wilderness, the dark forest of this world where each has been wandering, in a space where there is very little light breaking through because of the dense branches of twisted words holding each one captive. However, because I am a well-practiced marksman, none of these barriers pose much of a problem. I am able to hit My target even when it may appear like there are too many obstructions in the way: those things that would seem to present an unresolvable challenge.

But what must be remembered is that My scope of sight is so defined, it can make out even the smallest sliver of an opening, one that is the perfect size for My “Arrow of Truth” to sail through. So then there is not a single heart out of My reach, even if their current circumstances seem to have them buried in the deep woods of despair; like one found roaming about without direction, unable to see, and so cannot find the path that leads home.

To know the full impact of salvation, God looks for the right opportunity to launch The Arrow of Truth | My Daily Letters - MDL

Yet even one such as this is not beyond My grasp. For the wind behind My arrow carries enough power that when shot out, it never misses, no matter how many obstacles appear in the way. My “Arrow of Truth” has the strength to cut through the most condensed thicket of pain, propelling it through all the shadowy growth of suffering that may have sprung up, designed to prevent My Truth from getting through. 

But I am not to be deterred. For if I have decided each one is worth acquiring, then there is nothing that will impede My pursuit. It is not the prize that first decides to be chased, nor does the trophy choose to be won, but it is always the Archer who determines who is to be tracked. Although I don’t willingly exclude any from joining with Me, once My “Arrow of Truth” has hit its mark, those I have run after must be willing to accept the message My arrow carries, so that their soul bears witness to the revelation of who I am. 

Yet, I will not force Myself upon any who do not wish to receive Me; even those who are content to stay locked behind the tangle of their pain. For each person alive must choose to walk alongside Me out of the dreary grove of this world and into the place where the light of My comfort can be known. 

For this oppressive scrubland is where most are found roaming and will only become more isolated the deeper anyone travels into it. Yet, because there is no clearing on the far side of this broad expanse of darkness, those who are trudging through these desolate woods must turn around (do an about-face) so that their hearts are angled towards Me, then I alone will be able to guide these out and into the green pasture lands belonging to My kingdom. I have followed the course of each one and I know exactly where they are standing, even though to some, these may appear to be lost for good. Yet to those of My children who are praying, who are sending up continual requests for their loved ones, know this: that I have heard your cries.

So don’t give up contending just because you have yet to see something change in the hearts of those who are wandering. For it is My perfect timing that is aligning with that correct moment when My “Arrow of Truth” will bring the full impact of salvation. So then, rejoice over those who appear to be lost. For very soon they will step out into the clearing where each one will join the rest of My chosen in the spacious grasslands of redemption.

“Your beauty and love chase after me every day of my life.” Psalms 23:6 (MSG)

(Received: 8/19/2019)

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