The Bride

by Lori Anne Hale
During this season God is doing a new thing in the midst of the Church from The Bride | My Daily Letters - MDL

Behold, I am making all things new, for this generation of the Bride is now being prepared to receive a great harvest, for indeed the latter rains shall fall upon this land turning her barren wastelands, those vacant furrows thought to be of no value, into rows teaming with new life.

Yet in her present state, the wife of the Lamb is not properly dressed for the occasion, for she has traded in her noble robes and is now wearing the garments of paupers, hoping to appear more like the world she was sent to save. Then let her remember the high price I paid to have her as Mine. Although this cost to Me was significant, I readily agreed to these terms, for I longed to be with My Beloved.

So while she has entered a marriage covenant with the King, My Bride is still seen parading the streets in tattered clothing, those unbefitting someone of her station; for she now hails from a higher realm, one known for its riches and splendor. Then this season was given to the Church for her benefit, where she could exchange these old thread barren rags for fresh new garments, those beautiful gowns only worn by the virtuous.

Therefore, do not let My Bride resist the change I am doing in her midst, but instead let her embrace this season with joyful anticipation for the One who loves her has come bearing the garments of restoration, eager to pour out the fragrant oil of renewal upon her head.

How blessed then is she, for the King of glory has come to lavish upon her the gift of reformation so that she can stand in her rightful place as My Bride in this nation.

He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” Revelation 21:5

(Received: 1/10/2021)

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