The Coming Conflict

by Lori Anne Hale
The next wave of adversity is about to roll in on America's shores with The Coming Conflict | My Daily Letters - MDL

Ever since this man was voted into office and took his seat behind that noble desk, America became greatly divided, creating a hostile environment where now there exists a great rift right down her middle; where the common ground of agreement cannot seem to be found.

This agitated state has brought new levels of tension within and among the public because most have no idea what the future holds. For when this republic elected the man who is now president, those who lost the election began a continuing campaign to breed resentment and anger within the two major political parties. It’s not those in Washington, however, who are feeling the effects of this effort, but it’s the ordinary citizens who have been drawn into this battle and are taking up sides; for now, unless an individual aligns with a certain political perspective, they are, whether relative or neighbor, automatically considered an enemy.

Therefore, in the coming days, as national leaders continue stoking the flames of offense, expect to see more violence filling the streets of this land, as the anger in some is now thirsty for blood, and so will invade the communities of middle America, destroying, looting, and even murdering, all for the sake of “injustice”.

This escalation of brutality will then bring a new level of fear into the hearts of this people, for those who were sworn to protect them will be nowhere around because, in some areas, the dismantling of the police will have been successful. Then the citizenry at large will resort to protecting themselves, and thus we will see something likened to a civil war rising up again in this nation.

As a result, the increase in tension shall only climb higher, for the atmospheric reading across the country is calling for an extremely hot summer; not just because of the weather, but the attitudes among the people will create an unbearable climate, since many will continue to hold offense towards their neighbors over political differences, which shall not relent for quite some time. Unfortunately, this attitude has already begun to show itself within families and communities.

Then know that an angry tide is about to roll across this country with waves of hatred, as if made of fire, like lava which burns up and consumes whatever it touches; with very few, in those communities it reaches, able to escape the burning flames of destruction. Just as it has been in other countries where political dissidents who disagreed with their leaders’ particular views rose up in protest against their government, so shall it also be here; resorting to bullying threats and physical brutality against their own countrymen, while forcing their will upon the population.

But who could ever have imagined this nation would be confronting this same scenario that other nations have faced where a small group (because they are willing to use whatever means necessary) is able to hold this nation hostage until their demands are met?

And so, because many in Washington agree that it is time to reform this nation, little will be done to put a stop to this uprising, for the plan is to let things get so completely out of hand, that the American people cry out for peace at any cost, and thereby will easily give up their freedom for security, even if it means the nation is no longer a democracy, but resembles those foreign countries where the people are ruled by the government.

The enemy drumbeat has, unfortunately, already begun, which means that the battle lines have been drawn, and those who vehemently hate this country are ready to march in with a greater force so that their vision for this nation and her people is actually established.

No matter what circumstances we face, as believers we must trust in the Lord, even with The Coming Conflict | My Daily Letters - MDL

And so, a decision will have to be made by each individual who lives in this nation as to where their allegiance truly lies, and on which side of this battle they stand, for some are without a strong conviction for either side. As it was with the Revolutionary War in this country, when liberty and freedom were in dispute, another battle has come to America, where her citizens are again being asked to defend these rights. But because many in this country (those who have earned diplomas) were not taught the important facts about its history, they are woefully ignorant, and so have a lack of understanding about why this nation was founded.

Therefore, make no mistake about what I am saying, for this conflict to which I am referring will manifest in the physical realm as well as in the spiritual. So though this clash will be fought between the citizens of this nation, those encouraging this schism are actually from foreign countries which would benefit greatly from her demise, for these have a vested interest in wiping away her powerful standing in the world, giving them the upper hand over the global economy. 

So because these foreign leaders have been conspiring for some time, they were able to arrange a very strategic attack on this nation, where her planned collapse would come from within, like an implosion where the impact of the explosion is centered inward, and the ground around is sucked into the force of its pull, creating a huge crater of devastation.

Although this may strike some fear in the hearts of My children to hear what lies in the days ahead, let them continue to place their trust in Me. For even when this more intense shaking arrives, those who remain confident in who I am will not be overtaken, for I am the conquering Hero who can defeat any enemy: I am the Chief Liberator who can break every chain of the oppressed. So then those who belong to My army should not hold any concern. For if they have rested their lives in My hands and released the battle to Me, then their only outcome, and the one to be expected, is absolute victory, for each conquest I enter is easily won.

So then shore up your thoughts in the fruits of My Spirit, as love, joy, and peace are only a fraction of the abundance I have bestowed upon My children. Therefore, even in the midst of a full fledged war, those who are called My children needn’t be rattled, for these know their outward circumstances do not determine their internal countenance, because these have discovered the Truth that, for them, this life is not the end.

So prepare your hearts now for the coming days, for a greater shaking is about to rumble through this country, and its intensity shall be felt from corner to corner, creating strife and hardship. Therefore, My own must be ready to respond with a gentle answer should they encounter an angry confrontation, and, be willing to give, even to those who think them foolish. For these humble actions exemplify My Kingdom and bridge the gap of offense, which has significantly widened over the past several years.

Then take courage My children, for I am still with you; and don’t be surprised by what shall happen next. Don’t lose heart, but stay in the battle, for the enemy would like nothing better than to have My own give up and stop praying. Then continue onward no matter what you may witness on the streets of this country. Resist the urge to lay down your shields, swords, and other weapons of warfare, even in those moments where weariness is felt in your soul. For if I say the final victory is yours, then stand in faith that this is what you shall eventually see.

Therefore, let’s stay on the offensive side of this conflict and continue to man your posts. Then, when the enemy unleashes the full force of his armament, we will be ready for him. So stay positioned until I change your orders, which means continued advancement through your prayers for this nation.


“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are Mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior…”  (Isaiah 43:1b-3a)

(Received: 7/6/2020)

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