The Confinement Of Commonality

by Lori Anne Hale
When believers don't see eye to eye about the Lord thoughts of offense should be put off from The Confinement of Commonality | My Daily Letters -MDL

I am the driving wedge; the separator at work within My body, like a thin veil, creating a division in the midst of My flock.

This sheer curtain creates a wall between those who have decided to dive in all the way to a life of total surrender, and those whose hearts are unwilling to have a more profound relationship with Me (those who don’t see the profit in this kind of intimacy so have become somewhat religious).

So, when some of My children respond to the “more” I am offering and step into the space of deeper trust, those who have held back part of themselves from Me will use “outward” circumstances to judge what I am doing in the spiritual sense, with no real discernment of the intensive work going on in this fellow believer. For when steps of reliance are taken by the one yielded and willing, it is done with the knowledge and understanding that I am up to something much greater than can be measured by the naked eye. 

When I present a challenge to one of My own and then ask him to practice some faith by moving into the unknown, there is always “more” behind the question than that which appears on the surface. But many of My children would rather play it safe, and so will disregard, as an illogical choice, the space I have opened for growth without giving full consideration to this direction as an option. So they remain in the security of “settled”, and would not dream of moving out beyond the boundaries they have set as “faith”. 

Yet, when they see their brother walking in agreement with My good will, those who refuse Me broader access often become ruffled. Since the behavior seen in their brother is not something they themselves would do (of making choices that fall into the category of unreasonable), they cast off these “absurd” ideas as unbiblical. Therefore, to them, it is only fair that this brother is set aside as unstable because he has become unbalanced and his actions go beyond that of a “normal” believer. 

This shift in a relationship is to be expected when any of My children make the decision to shake the hand of “limitless” partnership, one that takes them beyond just the mere belief of knowing about who I am. For when My chosen break the bondage of conventional Christian thinking, it leads them into the wide open space of true freedom where the chains of stagnation are broken off, loosening the hold of rigid understanding held by many in My body (those who have only connected with Me in a narrow way).The hearts of believers should always be lead by love from The Confinement of Commonality | My Daily Letters -MDL


Though the phrase “putting God in a box” is a common enough saying heard among those in My flock, when one of My own dares to step out of the confinement of commonality (which has now shaped more than a few of My children), this one is greeted with concern by those around him; thinking that sound counsel is needed so this brother will see the error in his judgment, then step back into alignment with the rest of the fold and settle back into the secure thinking of “sameness”. 

However, what I desire are children who are a bit adventurous, who will eagerly move forward into the place of uncertainty because they know, with Me, there is no real risk of failure. Though at times, what I request may seem rather outlandish, these know in their hearts I only ask what is necessary to bring about the “good” I am doing. So then, these can rest in the peace of trusting Me, as those who see our journey as an exciting ride, who happily embrace every twist and are elated by every new turn, for they know I will always keep them on route and not allow them to veer off course or topple over. 

Even when it may feel as though they are falling, I never fail to catch any of My children. Like descending the hill of a roller-coaster, at the bottom there is always track set to keep the car from careening into the ground. Though there are moments of rapid descent, this is necessary in order to stay on the correct path so that the climb back up can go more swiftly. For with each step of faith taken, an accelerated momentum is created, making the ascent to the top of the next hill happen rather quickly. 

Then to these, I say, “Don’t lose heart. Keep moving forward!”, because the place of ascension lies just before you (the point where you will start climbing again). For though a slight separation has occurred in some of your relationships, it is nothing that I cannot mend. Whether or not you see Me in the same way as your brothers or sisters doesn’t matter, don’t abandon these friendships. Allow Me the room to work by keeping the lines of communication open and putting off any thoughts of offense. For when fellow believers don’t see eye to eye, instead of becoming incensed, they must make the choice to let My love lead their hearts. Because then, the other won’t be seen as opposition, but as a treasured possession belonging to My flock, as another one whom I adore.

“Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. ” Colossians 3:13-14

(Received: 2019)

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