The Dance

by Lori Anne Hale
Our relationship with God is carried throughout our lifetime in The Dance | My Daily Letters - MDL

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Where faith and love collide, this is the intersection of our meeting, when your heart decided to believe in Me, to give Me a chance, and said “Yes”. Now we are joined together in this beautiful dance where the continuing flow of My goodness is lavished upon you. With an elongated motion to the movement of time, I have orchestrated a relationship which is carried throughout your lifetime, until, at last, you stand at eternity’s door where the hosts of heaven will be waiting to greet each of those I call My children, identified by the mark of salvation.

With open arms and gentle hands, each soul is escorted into the glory and splendor of My kingdom, to the sounds of “Hallelujahs” raised, echoing through the halls of My chambers, filling My courts with the highest held praises. For another of My dear ones has finally come home, and has, at last, arrived in the place of full rest, where no more tears are shed, no heartache remembered, the anguish of suffering completely extinguished, and the wrinkles formed on a face which had experienced much sadness, are washed away with the joy and gladness found in My eternal presence.

No longer held down by the limitations which surround this world, the souls of My chosen are able to know the truest sense of freedom, joined again with those who have gone before them, reunited with some who were once known as family or the closest of friends, finally able to stand in the place of “complete”, having finished the final leg of the race, adorned with the crown only awarded to victors; labeled as such because winning was the only option I had set out before any who would choose to partner with Me; whose hearts are placed on this side of eternity, set in the care of their heavenly Father.

Yet in this life, you will experience much trouble and will walk through situations which challenge your faith and belief, but each of those difficult, and somewhat trying situations are all intended to draw you into a deeper relationship with Me. For I desire to have closer fellowship; to walk hand in hand through the communing of My Spirit so that you dwell in this lifetime as a child from My kingdom; as one who already sees themselves as more than a conqueror, and stands in the authority given to them by Me.God is our faithful escort through this lifetime in The Dance | My Daily Letters - MDL

At times there will be outcomes (when viewed in the natural) that do not appear to be that of a winner (if gauged by man’s standard of winning). In those times remember, for Me, is it always about changing your nature; of aligning you with the likeness of My Son.

A first look at the cross where He bled and died, the immediate reaction by His followers was not of those who could see beyond this world, for they did not have the ability to discern what was happening before them, though they were witness to the greatest exchange of all time- the redemption of mankind for all eternity.

But on the surface and without divine understanding, what they saw was the death of a friend, the One, whom they thought would usher in My kingdom through the conventions of men. Never once were they able to fully comprehend the deeper things which had taken place in those moments of agony, as His life He willingly laid down. It wasn’t until after His resurrection when He breathed upon them the breath of My Spirit, only then were they able to decipher the true meaning which bore out through His suffering.

So during those times when you feel accosted by heartache and pain, or when the inexplicable happens, know that these are all a part of the waltz I have designed, the dance steps I have patterned for you to follow, choreographed to move in unison with My Spirit, as we glide across the ballroom floor of this life. Allow Me to assume the lead as your favorite partner, always in tandem, for you are never alone, nor will I set you aside for another only to be held in view as a wallflower.

I am always with you, a faithful escort who will stay at your side even in your final moments when the music of this lifetime starts to subside and the sweet serenade of eternity becomes louder drawing you into the place of everlasting and forever.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

(Received: 7/29/2018)

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