The Discipline Of Attentiveness

by Lori Anne Hale
The way to focus on God's voice is through the ears of our inner man in The Discipline of Attentiveness | My Daily Letters - MDL

It is not just intentionality of purpose which finds Me, but it is a heart that stays vigilant: one that is focused upon hearing Me speak. For just as sight looks and then sees, hearing perks up and is able to center in upon a certain sound. Think of your outer ear as it waits to hear the sounds of daily things, anticipating the noises of the morning. Your outer ear already has the expectation of hearing these stirrings, and so is aware and attentive to what is coming.

“Attentive” is the place for your ‘inner’ man to dwell as you await My words with a focused effort on the other One in the relationship, offering undivided attention as you keep your thoughts centered upon Me.

When your once wholeheartedness has started to wane a little as weariness has begun to affect you, press in all the harder and you’ll arrive on the other side of breakthrough, holding something of greater value inside. For you will have learned and mastered how to stay watchful for Me, training your ‘inner’ man how to just sit and listen, even when the world around is pressing in. So keep trying, don’t throw in the towel; we’re just getting started!

“Don’t throw in the towel!”

Yet, the ‘outer’ man wants to pull you away by tugging on your thoughts saying, “Pay attention to me!”; wanting to divert your focus upon the lesser things of this world. Just as a spoiled child is demanding and never satisfied, your flesh cries out, trying to insert thoughts it deems are of more important matters. As if throwing a tantrum, the outer man stomps his foot, hoping you will give in and finally yield by allowing him to dictate the direction of your meditation, and cause your mind to wander away.A higher thought life is experienced through intentionality and attentiveness from The Discipline of Attentiveness | My Daily Letters - MDL

And like a caretaker who has been worn down from battle, “giving in” seems to be your least objectionable option. But then, the discipline that would have come from engaging your flesh with firmly set boundaries, has been set aside once again. The ‘outer’ man, reluctantly, has been allowed the spotlight, with his suggestions taking center stage, for it seems a more agreeable arrangement than the constant battle to subdue him. His ideas and recollections are then given the room to remain, granted the permission to be the one in charge of your mind, ready to debate My authority. For the ‘outer’ man has a stubborn streak which has no plans of yielding to Me, and will dig his heels in when his position is challenged.

I say the only way to subdue the ‘outer’ man is by telling him “NO!”, and not give his notions any consideration. For his endeavors are meant to maintain his ranking as the one who rules your thoughts and imagination.

By establishing a much firmer line, your ‘outer’ man will soon learn he is not the master. For once he encounters the resistance of one who is determined to dwell in My presence: one who has resolved to be ready to keep him from intruding, and overstepping the lower position he has been given, then you will find his concepts have grown less and less appealing, for the strength his voice carried has been depleted.

The understanding I offer cannot be found from contemplating the strategies your ‘outer’ man produces, and are unable to be obtained from his way of thinking. The only way to experience a higher thought life is through intentionality and attentiveness, by one whose greater goal is to hear My voice speaking, with the longing to know what My heart is saying: who will not trade in the hard road required by discipline in exchange for the easier route of keeping his ‘outer’ man satisfied. For this one can only see the benefits generated by going through the process of denial, sensing that what would be attained through its rigorous course as something much more desirable.

To this one, I say continue! Continue to arrive before Me, enter into the courts of My presence. I am ALWAYS there waiting to greet you! But be prepared to deal with your ‘outer’ man and his attempts to pull at your attention. Shut down his parade of ideas which are meant as bait to lure your thinking down a trail of his own making, leading your thoughts far from Me. DO NOT take the bait!

Instead, choose to remain: remain where My presence dwells as if I were sitting across the room and your attention was steady, not divided. For “attentive” is the word I am speaking. Remain attentive when you come before Me. This is the discipline which needs to be applied in order to see your ‘outer’ man silenced.

“My son, if you receive my words and treasure up my commandments with you, making your ear attentive to wisdom and inclining your heart to understanding; yes, if you call out for insight and raise your voice for understanding, if you seek it like silver and search for it as for hidden treasures, then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God.”  Proverbs 2:1-5

(Received: 11/25/2017)

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