The Dogs Of War

by Lori Anne Hale
In the unseen realm the real pandemic dwells from The Dogs Of War | My Daily Letters - MDL

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[Vision: I saw a pack of giant two-headed, wolf-like demons. Suddenly the creatures each moved in a different direction, roaming communities in search of people they could easily overcome. I heard the names “fear” and “intimidation”, then, “they have come to divide and conquer.” ]

The dogs of war have been unleashed upon this nation, breathing the acrid stench of fear and intimidation into the atmosphere.

Then, like voracious beasts that have picked up the scent of their prey, these menacing spirits are on the prowl, seeking to terrorize the weak-minded, antagonizing both the unsaved and believers alike with their dark predictions. For creating a further separation between this people is the pathway the enemy believes will quickly advance his evil scheme.

And so with fangs bared, this pack of two-headed beasts is roaming the streets, ready to sink their teeth into the hearts of the spiritually naïve, and those who have left themselves vulnerable to a demonic attack. For even though this people has already experienced the first wave of fear that came in with the original virus, few discerned that the real pandemic dwelt in the unseen realm, and are, therefore, easy targets for this second assault.

Then, because fear was allowed to linger in this nation (as most of My soldiers concentrated their efforts on the wrong fight), that tormenting spirit has been given permission to continue with its destructive campaign, the result of which will take more than administering a vaccination and the following of pandemic protocols to restore health and vitality back to this land. For the atmosphere must be purged of any noxious lies spread by fear, so that a true sense of well-being overtakes the whole country. However, to see this shift manifest, the rows of My ranks must contend on the battlefield of the unseen, for the real enemy dwells upon the supernatural plain.

Know this, therefore, that full victory can only be achieved through spiritual warfare, which is the reason none of My troops should be wasting their efforts with public protests against the state and federal governments. Instead, take up your spiritual armaments and chase this pack of two-headed beasts out from your midst. For you who are “more than conquerors” have the authority to stand against these foul spirits and, in the name of My Son, demand that they leave.

Then don’t look to the public square to engage in this battle, but come fight alongside Me where your efforts will actually make a difference. Understand that it is time to subdue the foreign enemy forces now attacking this soil, and send them back to the pit from which they’ve sprung.

Yet even in the midst of all these things, we triumph over them all, for God has made us to be more than conquerors, and his demonstrated love is our glorious victory over everything!” -Romans 8:37

(Received: 8/23/2021)

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