The Error In What Has Been

by Lori Anne Hale
In this season of adversity the pillars of hollow doctrines shall crumble From The Error In What Has Been | My Daily Letters - MDL

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When a wobbly table that has been poorly constructed is shaken, great is the likelihood of it collapsing, for it only appeared to be structurally sound. It is, then, the same for the modern church structure. For while it looks to have a solid formation, a shockwave is coming that shall undermine what has been standing: that liturgical framework which is thought to be divinely inspired. 

But because this unstable edifice has been widely accepted as Biblical, its design has been mimicked in most congregations, leaving My children in a rather precarious position, as they have placed the greater emphasis on “attending” and “serving” their local Body than actually strengthening their relationship with Me. And as a result, most who line My ranks are unprepared for the days ahead. 

Then the groundswell of adversity that shall come against the Church will cause even some of its pillars to topple: those shallow doctrines which tickle the ears but don’t inspire believers to launch out on a deeper journey of faith, as these ideas, which have been commonly taught, really only offer a small fraction of the truth.

So while it has been assumed by believers that this predicted shaking shall only be an internal response to outward persecution, when this quake hits, however, the hollow pillars that some have used to prop up their pulpits shall crumble, as these have added their own spin to the real Kingdom message, making for unstable platforms upon which to stand. And though these counterfeit teachings may appear theologically sound (because they flow with popular societal beliefs), upon closer examination, they do not align with the full canon of Scripture, and therefore have given an incomplete picture of what it truly means to live as a believer: those who are followers of My Son.

Then with the flick of My finger, those pillars shall be struck down, causing quite a disturbance amongst My Body, as fuller revelation is brought forth from unfamiliar voices, those who don’t travel the current Christian circuit. Nevertheless, these prophets and teachers shall rise in this season, and from them shall manifest a new level of divine understanding, which shall challenge what many of My children thought to be true. 

It is unfortunate that most believers can’t be bothered to spend time with Me and meditate on My Word, accepting at face value what is taught by popular leaders, with very few taking the time to investigate matters for themselves. This lack of enthusiasm for My Word has left the Church in a weakened state, making it an easy target for the enemy, since most of My children have no idea about their true identity, nor what it means to stand in Christ’s authority (since most of their focus has been centered upon where they fit in their own congregation).

Then for the emerging Church to grow and thrive, what has been the preferred operational model must shift, so that the new I am doing now within My Body is established, thereby becoming the norm. And though it will resemble that ancient formation found under the New Covenant, it is here that the furtherance of My plan shall unfold.

Understand that this change in flow and function shall be met with resistance by quite a few believers, for they will be skeptical as to whether the fresh revelation I am soon to pour out is actually from Me, having not sought, nor searched out the Scriptures for themselves. For these simply cannot see the error in what has been, and how it has served as a hindrance to the spiritual development of My children. 

However, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, those who desire to taste and see more of My goodness, should press deeper into My presence now. For as you do, I shall begin to unlock greater discernment within so that as this outpouring of divine revelation is released upon the Church, your hearts will be ready to receive it.

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” Matthew 5:6

(Received: 10/21/2021)

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