The Field Of Forgiveness

by Lori Anne Hale
When given as a promise God still expects believers to honor their word from The Field of Forgiveness | My Daily Letters - MDL

Laban was known for his trickery with Jacob, for he promised to give him Rachel’s hand in marriage if his nephew labored seven years for him. And though Jacob kept to his end of the bargain, his crafty uncle had plotted an underhanded scheme to take unfair advantage of Jacob. But even after being fooled, Jacob stayed and worked for Laban another seven years so he could marry the woman he loved.

But what of the characters in this story, and what is the spiritual significance each one holds?

Clearly Laban, the protagonist, represents the enemy: the evil one who is always looking to put chains of bondage upon those who will agree with his plans. Since his words sound sincere, those less discerning are easily caught in his trap. Laban is also a picture of the world, and how unfairly men treat other men. For it is in the heart of human beings to put themselves first, even if that means blatant misuse of another.

So Jacob labored under the assumption that if he worked hard for his uncle, that the promise of marriage to Rachel would be granted once he had fulfilled this obligation. Unfortunately, when an individual partners with a deceptive spirit, the resolution of the agreement is never met with an honorable end, for how can anyone who listens to the voice of evil put the interests of another ahead of their own?

Jacob, on the other hand, is a picture of My Son, for he so loved the bride that he would go to any lengths to have her as his own, even surrendering his life in sacrifice. In like manner, My Son had done nothing to deserve the penalty He was given, He was willing to pay the cost for His intended because so deep were His affections for her.Regret must not rule the hearts of believers from The Field of Forgiveness | My Daily Letters - MDL

And so, at the set time, Jacob and Rachel (the one he adored) were finally joined through the covenant of marriage. Even though Jacob, at the outset, was found with the disadvantage, because he did what was right in My sight, his life still prospered. For regardless of the unfair treatment My own may suffer in this world, I am able to turn their circumstances around so that their lives yield prosperity and abundance. But, they must honor My ways even when found with the short end of the stick. Jacob knew his uncle to be manipulative, and still remained in his household for twenty years, because he knew that a covenant made was meant to be honored, regardless of how he fared in the end.

Jacob understood that a person’s word given is a verbal contract, and even if the other party fails to hold up their end of the deal, those who belong to Me must not seek vengeance upon the one who has cheated them, for it is the act of forgiveness that shall win these over to salvation. Though Jacob had a few skeletons in his closet, when it came to his uncle, he acted uprightly, which is why he and his household prospered.

Those who are followers of Christ should not be surprised or offended when they encounter those who, like Laban, offer the handshake of friendship but have treachery in their hearts. Yet, even when Jacob recognized he had been duped, he still honored his uncle and the deal they had made.

Therefore, when confronted with this kind of fraudulent situation, where a stranger or friend has misrepresented themselves and their intentions, do not seek compensation or an apology for your losses, but rather, submit these over to Me without holding any malice against the one who has wronged you. For upon doing this you will know the inner freedom to love these who otherwise might be considered an enemy, as those who plant their heart in the field of forgiveness will only grow a prosperous crop because the weeds of hatred won’t have the room to pop up and choke off the sprouts of truth which have started to grow.

Then any of My own who have already known the pain of misfortune, don’t let regret rule your thoughts, for the One who truly loves you is able to turn even financial ruin into a win.

So set your heart upon all that is lovely and good, then allow Me to restore not only your finances but heal that place in your heart that was damaged when someone took unfair advantage of you.

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”  Philippians 4:8

(Received: 10/20/2020)

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