The Gavel of Justice

by Lori Anne Hale
To the even the highest seats of government believers must pray that Gods mercy is revealed from The Gavel of Justice | My Daily Letters - MDL

So it shall be that the nations will tremble at the sound of My name, and that the rulers of this world shall fall face down before My throne, for those who claim authority in this realm are numbered among the masses when they stand in My presence, the One who has dominion over every people and culture in the world.

Therefore, those who hold elevated positions among the population of mankind are still subject to Me, and shall indeed face My judgment, for who can escape that day of reckoning when it comes?

Although it may appear in this life that some of these rulers and leaders have literally gotten away with murder, you can be certain that there will be an accounting for their crimes when they enter the eternal realm. For here where I dwell, every human being must, and will, give an account to Me for all of their deeds, both good and bad.

This does not mean, however, I am uninvolved with My creation, as some believe, or that I sit idly by and only watch as these evil leaders commit heinous acts against their fellow man. The truth is, that although it grieves My heart to see the cruel behavior of human beings, I give everyone the room to turn to Me and repent of their sinful ways.

On the surface, it would seem to most as if I am uncaring since I have not brought immediate punishment upon those who, in man’s opinion, are the most corrupt. This is because mankind measures sin in degrees, whereas I see each person shrouded in this darkness, for all have sinned according to My statutes. So while many are looking for the gavel of justice to fall upon those rulers and leaders they have deemed guilty of immoral acts, My own should not be found rooting for anyone to be punished, for those holding this attitude are walking with the spirit of vengeance. And as My own know, vengeance is Mine alone, for I am the One who repays the wicked for their evil.

Then let Me remind My children again to have the correct disposition when viewing the world and its darkness, and that there are only two categories in which man is to be counted: those who are saved, and those who are not, period.When praying for their leaders believers must reflect the countenance of Christ from The Gavel of Justice | My Daily Letters - MDL

Therefore, when My own witness rulers and leaders who have self-seeking agendas, and who are behaving contemptibly, to Me they are no different than any other person who has not found salvation. But because these individuals have risen in standing amongst the ranks of the population, they have the authority and influence to turn their evil thoughts into reality, as great power often breeds even greater acts of corruption.

Yet this proclivity to dominate others is common in the hearts of mankind, and if given the opportunity, would pour out from the most unexpected people. However, because I judge the heart, I have seen the evil that dwells within each human being, and so know every sinful thought and desire held within. This is why I can say, “All have sinned…”, because My sight rests on a person’s inner man and the corruption that dwells in him.

Don’t say to yourselves, “they deserve to be punished” and then wish the worst to fall upon anyone who has done evil. Instead, pray that their deeds are exposed; not to gratify your need for vengeance but so that they turn to Me with repentant hearts, and find the path to forgiveness as you yourselves already have found.

Remember this: that even when it appears evil has prevailed, and that those in high seats are unlikely to be held accountable for their crimes, in the midst of this darkness, I am still on the move working out My plan for this world, and therefore, you needn’t fear that evil will triumph, for My own shall rise with Me, having received the ultimate victory.

Therefore, cast off any vengeful thoughts towards the corrupt rulers and leaders on the world stage. Dismiss every image you hold of seeing them get what they deserve, for who among you earned My forgiveness when it was freely given to you?

Then My own should avoid joining the collective mindset among the populace which is looking to see these evil leaders are finally brought to justice. Instead, let your countenance reflect that of My Son who was found praying for the lost even as He hung on the Cross.

Pray that the corruption of these evil leaders is revealed, yes, but so that the gift of My grace and mercy is known to even those who sit in the highest seats of government.

“Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels. And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will.” -2 Timothy 2:23-26

(Received: 10/4/2020

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