The Harlot

by Lori Anne Hale
For wealth this country has traded her sovereignty as The Harlot | My Daily Letters - MDL

Like a harlot who sells her virtue for a few shekels, so have many in this country traded away its sovereignty for the wealth to be made on other shores.

Many national and business leaders alike have traveled abroad to broker deals that would benefit them financially, while undermining the very foundation of this nation. Across the seas and over distant lands, these leaders have journeyed, seeking out foreign fields where the cost of manufacturing is cheap, and labor is even cheaper, in an effort to create a wider profit margin, even if that means subpar working conditions, where employees are paid very little, and they work very long hours.

Oh how great the hypocrisy found in these leaders. While they decry injustice and lend their labels to certain advocacy groups here at home, these corporations and organizations, which supposedly stand for equality, are in bed with nations who have a history of violating human rights and enslaving their own people.

Yet Americans, as well as other western nations, seem oblivious to the plight of their fellow man tied inextricably to how the products they purchase are actually produced. For when they run after those popular “must have” shoes, which everyone is dying to own, do they consider that, in some cases, and because of the harsh treatment and working conditions, people have literally died just so they could enjoy the latest style of footwear?

So with little sleep and even less food, these workers line up, for they have no say in their own life, but, instead, are forced to labor for the state, and the betterment of their “countrymen”, who are, in actuality, those in charge of running their government.

How hypocritical it is to see so many out on the streets protesting what they consider unfair conditions in this country, while remaining virtually silent about the true discrimination happening in other nations, those regions of the world where slavery is still a common practice. Equally so is that these same business leaders, in order to entice the targeted demographics, create a need for their product with clever marketing schemes which use well-known celebrities, those who are paid considerable salaries just for associating their name with a particular brand. And when certain young athletes encourage societal dissent among their country’s population (those citizens who hold them in high regard for their athletic abilities), they too are frauds, because they have made millions from the thousands of people exploited for their labor.Who actually produces their products most in this nation don't consider from The Harlot | My Daily Letters - MDL

Oh the level of hypocrisy found in this nation!

And though the executives of these companies have worked hard to have their trademark brands and logos associated with a certain lifestyle, their branding messages, unfortunately, don’t coincide with how their products are actually made. Yet because the consumers in this nation have been conditioned to accept, without question, what they see and hear on commercials, or read in ads, these carefully crafted marketing strategies are successful, creating a need in the nation’s consumers. So off to the stores they run, seeking to fill this sudden longing: a need that was aroused by the clever propaganda put out to sell certain brands.

But do the American people ever wonder who is making the items lining their store shelves? Do they stop and consider what could happen when a foreign nation has a monopoly on the products they consume on a regular basis?

With all the manufacturing that is done so far away, this foreign nation now has a great influence on the U.S. economy, and the supply chain that flows into this land. Yet very few in the country are even aware of the threat this poses to the nation, as more businesses take their manufacturing plants overseas. So just like with the shortages in paper products found at the peak of the pandemic, because control of the supply chain now rests mostly in the hands of another country, one that has in its sights global domination, America has given up quite a bit of her sovereignty; trading independence for financial wealth.

Even though some have read the signs and proclaimed the dangers of becoming too involved with this foreign nation, greed and arrogance have heavily influenced the decisions of corporate and national leaders, as the “bottom line” is their sole focus, and not how many American jobs are lost due to their choices. Even less consideration is given to those working their assembly lines. How ironic is it to hear these companies speak up for human rights and equality when they themselves are contributing to the inhumane treatment of thousands around the world.

However, know that, even though this foreign nation has progressed quite far in their plan to achieve global preeminence, I have begun dismantling their scheme. It may look as if they’re on a fast track to achieving their goal, but the rise and fall of leaders in this world is still up to My discretion.Even when they don't agree with his politics believers are commanded to pray for their governmental leaders from The Harlot | My Daily Letters - MDL

Therefore, I’ve set in place a certain leader who made the promise to remake this nation and re-establish its greatness. This kind of bold proclamation is only spoken from those who are tried and true warriors, those who hold a steely determination to follow through until their promises are fulfilled. For I knew he would fight for this land and her people, even if some of his behavior leaves many scratching their heads.

Understand, then, that this man is only fulfilling My will for this season. And though he should not be put on a pedestal, he should be honored as the leader of this nation, and be respected for the office he holds. Yet even with his obvious character flaws, he is still My man for this hour, as what I want accomplished during these days could only come to pass if he held this position as Commander. I knew that by seating him in this high position he would provide the perfect blockade against this foreign nation, the one who is seeking to rule over the planet.

But, he cannot stop this rogue nation on his own, which is why I have enlisted the help of My special warriors. My elect are specifically equipped to combat the evil forces which seek to conquer this world.

So then, regardless of personal feelings about this President, have I not in My Scriptures, already commanded My children to pray for their governmental leaders? Or, did I add a clause to this edict which excused them from obedience if they didn’t like the politics of an elected official?

So then put aside your objections and your offenses towards this President, and with your prayers, reinforce his flank, as the enemy has planned to attack when his leadership is the most vulnerable. What better time to strike than when a nation is deeply divided about whether his presidency should continue?

See these days leading up to the next election as crucial, and don’t dismiss away these moments when your prayers shall make a significant impact on the duration of the coming battle. See yourselves as marching off to war, as those who were assigned by their General to not only contend for this nation, but battle as those who were enlisted to cover and guard the man I positioned to lead this nation.

“Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.” Jeremiah 29:7

(Received: 8/6/2020)

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