The Hope Of This Nation

by Lori Anne Hale
Now running America seems to be evil from The Hope Of This Nation | My Daily Letters - MDL

How can a candidate who has not legitimately won be sworn into office? Yet, who among this nation’s leaders shall lift a finger to stop it? Nary a one!

For while some puffed their chests and boasted with brave words, when it was time to make a stand, their courage shrank, for these were more concerned about their own reputations and not the welfare of the citizens they represent.

It would seem then, that American’s have very few allies left among their elected officials, for those thought to be ‘red blooded’ have quite literally turned their backs on this nation, no longer concerned about the will of the people. Although the majority spoke up with a loud voice in this election, those in charge had already hatched a different plan. Then, using their positions of power, took away the right of the population to have a say in the running of their nation.

While some will say “Shut up, it’s done!”, there are those who hold this country dear, and who won’t quietly go away. But what difference will these make when it appears nobody is listening to them? For while their assessment of this election is valid, how does possessing this evidence help their case when the rule of law no longer seems to matter?

Could it be, then, that the hope of this nation sits outside her borders?

Then just as it was in Habakkuk’s day, where evil was running the nation, though he appealed to heaven for a response, I did not immediately answer. For as it was then, so it is now. These challenging days are about the faith of My people, to see who will stand with Me even when it appears they are out of options, and where holding out for rescue would seem illogical.

Who shall save this people? Has their Champion forgotten about them? Did He not listen to their cries for help?

Oh, how quickly My children lose heart, thinking to themselves that I have abandoned them just because it looks, on the surface, that evil has prevailed; ‘as if’ a group of corrupt politicians could thwart My will from coming to pass! For did I not say to My servant, Habakkuk, “I am doing a work in your days that you would not believe if told.”?

Then let My people, “Rejoice!”, and let them stand to their feet and lift praise to My name! For the Lord known as “faithful” shall bring about His justice. Like the dawn of a new day, it shall break forth with bright rays, covering this nation once again with pure light, and chasing away every shadowy place embedded with darkness.

Therefore, be not discouraged by what you have heard, for hasn’t this nation faced moments of certain defeat in the past where her sovereignty was challenged? Yet, in a single moment I turned the outcome to victory!

Who told you the battle was over? Did I issue a surrender, or did you just assume that because of what you saw happen in your nation’s capital that the fight was finished?

Stay positioned holding the ground of faith, for I still remain the “hope” of this nation!

“May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine on us so that your ways may be known on the earth, your salvation among all nations. May the peoples praise you, God; may all the peoples praise you. May the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you rule peoples with equity and guide the nations of the earth, May the peoples praise you, God; may all the peoples praise you. The land yields its harvest; God, our God, blesses us. May God bless us still, so that all the ends of the earth will fear him.” Psalm 67:1-7

(Received: 1/7/2021)

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