If I am no respecter of persons and all are equal in My sight, then why have some in the Church become so focused on skin color and gender?
Is this because the message of popular culture has been accepted by believers as correct thinking, though it goes against what My Son actually taught about Kingdom living here on the earth? And didn’t He say to lay down every offense and walk in forgiveness, instructing believers to turn the other cheek when suffering injury by another?
Where did He teach anyone, whether Jew or Gentile, to rise up against their persecutors, those who sought to oppress others because of ethnicity and gender?
Yet today many of My own have embraced the idea that they are owed some form of reparations for an assumed prejudice or bigotry from other believers they don’t even know, simply because these brethren fit the profile painted by the world.
And while some have been held under another’s thumb, even then My Son encouraged believers to walk in humility, by returning an unkindness with love. Just as He came as a servant, laying down His life for those who did not deserve it, so, too, are those who belong to Me called to follow His example. He never demanded an apology from His scoffers nor did He insist that others owed Him special treatment because, at that time in history, He was born as a minority.
Though His disciples thought He had come to overthrow the Roman oppression of the Jewish people, it was the bondage of the kingdom of darkness that He was sent to destroy. However, because the Church has become too friendly with the world, the enemy’s influence has seeped in without being detected, perpetuating the idea of victimhood among those who are known as “overcomers”.
So without realizing that they have done so, believers have partnered with the enemy’s voice, whose message promotes the attitude that the offended has the right to hold onto their injury until those deemed offensive make amends.
But this does not reflect the heart of My Son, who, when asked how many times one should forgive, gave the perfect response: for as many times as is needed was the answer.
So then any whom I have called sons or daughters must guard their hearts so that they are not taken captive by this divisive message which has risen up within the Church. For none who belong to Me should ever view themselves as being oppressed by another, as each of you were asked to walk with the heart of a servant: those who put others ahead of themselves: those who seek to build up and edify one another.
“Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother who sins against me? Up to seven times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, not just seven times, but seventy-seven times!” –Matthew 18:21-22
(Received: 3/9/2021)