The Keys To Success

by Lori Anne Hale
Willingness and obedience are the two conditions God requires in our partnership with Him as The Keys to Success | My Daily Letters - MDL

The demonstration of My power is something to behold, for it has the might to move every mountain and demolish any well-fortified barrier. The strength My hand can muster has the ability to level any obstacle set in a man’s path. Because I am not governed by the limitations placed on mankind, I am not bound by the same laws which apply to the human race.

Therefore, when I lift my hand and apply its force in any direction, all that is standing must yield to My command. So if this is true, who exists that can pose a threat to My will becoming a reality? If it is indeed My desire for a person’s circumstances to change and go a different direction: if he has complied with My wishes through willingness and obedience, then all involved with this struggle must bow to My orders and fulfill My wishes. 

When one of My own agrees to expand our current partnership and readily adheres to My terms and conditions, then there is no circumstance that cannot be overcome. Once a child of My own becomes fully invested in our relationship by giving themselves to Me in complete surrender, then the restrictions that had bound his life are broken off (those limits he still considered valid from his former pact with the world). For when this child’s name was applied on the dotted line of My new agreement, it was written in the blood of the Savior, so that this current contract nullifies every previous clause required from his old alliance, and fulfills in a perfect way each obligation it demanded.

Since this new partnership between us was formed, its provisions have been clearly stated: that as long as the other party was willing to allow Me to lead, and to obediently follow My instructions, then each and every time a barrier presents itself, I would tear it down. For I always keep My end of the bargain and never once have I faltered on fulfilling My promises. I will always honor My word to those who faithfully follow Me (though often is the time My own children miss this condition when seeking a resolution to a struggle, and then petition Me for an answer). But because I am merciful and love them even when their actions deserve a penalty, with Me there is a chance I will still move on their behalf without these terms being met (though this is not always the case because it is obedience that I’m after).

If we trust an obey God's words to us we can avoid unnecessary pain as The Keys to Success | My Daily Letters - MDL

However, a misunderstanding has developed in some of My own involving the actual structure of our partnership, and this misreading of My charter has caused many to stumble. For when these failed to grasp the two essential keys necessary to have a successful relationship: willingness and obedience, confusion came upon them, for they misunderstood their part in our covenant by having overlooked My basic requirements. Yet, most only focus on the promises and disregard the steps I have established for making My vision into a reality. So then, the expectation these hold is that their actions are not a factor when it comes to seeing My future realized, even though I have offered many examples throughout the history of My children, describing what it looks like to walk as one of My chosen: as those who receive the best in the land.

For each one who was willing to obey My instructions only knew success. However, those who disregarded My directions only met with calamity or distress because these did not take My words seriously when I stated My expectations rather clearly, and then engaged in behavior that would lead them away from My heart and onto the desolate road of disobedience, putting My promises just beyond their reach. 

For though I am able to redirect those who have wandered back onto My sure path, these must be willing to comply and obediently follow My charge again. For when I laid out the road to salvation and gave its single condition, these obediently agreed to this term by accepting My Son as Savior. But there is more to living a life with Me than just salvation. For attaining the prize of heaven isn’t My only goal. I desire to have a people who genuinely love Me: those who above all else long to know Me; whose true agenda is not about obtaining, but instead are focused on developing a true friendship: one that rests on complete trust (for I have proven Myself to be more than loyal).

Still, many only seek Me for answers and only knock on My door when they are in trouble. These carry a small view of what has been given to them through our partnership. Therefore, these restrict themselves, for they continue to take matters into their own hands and try to flush out a solution for their problems by searching out every possible avenue to find the most satisfactory conclusion. So then, these appear to be “tossed” (of being batted around by the waves of indecision), as they cannot seem to figure out which is the best decision.

God will show us the way through the challenges in our life by using The Keys to Success | My Daily Letters - MDL

Yet, even after all of this, because My children stepped into the fountainhead of My mercy, even their future mistakes are found in reconciliation and covered with My grace. For though I don’t hold these choices against them (as a means to disqualify their right standing with Me), there can still be ‘natural consequences’ suffered because they chose to go their own way. But even these ramifications can be smoothed over by the power and might of My hand. For in moments like these, My heart is still for them. 

Oh, how much frustration and pain can be avoided if My children will just trust Me and obey My word of instruction. For when challenges come, with My guidance, these can easily be handled if My children will partner with My strategy and allow Me to show them the way through. And although these instructions sound simple enough to follow, because many of My children lack in the area of trust, they still have a difficult time believing that I carry the strength to overtake the enemy, or the force to break down any of his barriers. 

This doubt is the reason faith is not exercised when making decisions, and there is an unwillingness to go where I am leading, or do as I am asking, though time and again I have shown Myself more than trustworthy. So My children should rest with the expectation that I will come through for them again! For it is My good pleasure to bless those whose confidence is in Me because I am the Rewarder of those who diligently seek out My face.

So to My children I say, “Let go of your own plans and submit to Me. I promise to be with you wherever you go. And if you pay close attention and follow My edicts, you will only know success. For this is My promise and My word of Truth to those who are willing and obedient.”

“Listen, my son, accept what I say, and the years of your life will be many. I instruct you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hampered; when you run, you will not stumble. Hold on to instruction, do not let it go; guard it well, for it is your life.” Proverbs 4:10-13

(Received: 8/4/2018)

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