The New Habit

by Lori Anne Hale
With the nature of Christ believers are instructed to act as The New Habit | My Daily Letters - MDL

It’s not during the storm that the damage done is assessed. No, as it’s in the hours after the winds have settled and the rains have ceased where the full impact of its presence is plainly seen. And even then, there are lingering effects from its furor that aren’t visible until sometime later.

In this temporal realm, man has no say concerning the atmospheric shifts happening overhead, for he cannot prevent the wind nor can he stop the rain. What is his to rule over, however, are his emotions. But sadly for many, the reverse is most often true, as their emotions rule over them, instead.

Then like a tempest lying just offshore, once the winds of agitation begin to blow, there is no stopping the reactionary tendencies from bursting forth, as a barrier of self-control was not built up to guard these fleshly inclinations. So while, in the world, this undisciplined behavior is to be expected (for this is a self-focused lot, whose main concern is meeting their own needs, whether material or emotional), in My Kingdom this should not be so. For Holy Spirit was given to My children to help break these compulsions, as He will always guide each believer to act in accordance with the nature of Christ. But unless His urgings are heeded to see that self-control becomes the new habit, impulsive decisions will still govern a man’s days, creating a sense of unrest within due to the inconsistencies born from living without restraint.Their old flesh believers must subdue as The New Habit | My Daily Letters - MDL

It is not surprising, therefore, to see those who lack this discipline exist with a cloud of chaos constantly swirling about their heads. For like fools, they rush in first then ask questions later, allowing their impetuous nature to dictate the course. Consequently, when time is not given for a prudent response to be birthed, unintended consequences abound. For unless I am consulted, man will then rely upon his own faulty logic. And since he has but a small glimpse of any circumstance, trusting in himself to come up with the right resolution would be unwise.

Then what child of Mine should be found walking down such a twisted road when Holy Spirit is present to keep their feet on the straight and narrow path I have laid?

Unfortunately with many, when hasty ears are used to listen, My wise counsel cannot be heard. For until his old nature is subdued and rendered useless, even one who belongs to Me will still have difficulty partnering with self-control.

 Therefore, Beloved, walk circumspectly. Set your gait in keeping with the pace of Holy Spirit. Do not run ahead on any matter, assuming you know what is best. For if you let Him remain in the lead, then a peaceful atmosphere shall cover your life, as He always moves on My behalf and in accordance with My will, thereby eliminating any reason for you to lean upon your own understanding when weathering the struggles of this life.


“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.” -Proverbs 3:5-6

(Received: 7/20/2021)

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