The One Who Cares For Them

by Lori Anne Hale
God will provide no matter the circumstances or how great the need as The One Who Cares For Them | My Daily Letters - MDL

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When I said to the sparrow, ”I shall provide for you all the days of your life!”, this feathered creature took Me at My word, for she already knew I had a trustworthy reputation. And so, she went about living as sparrow’s do, fluttering among the trees, sweetly singing without worry to burden her heart, for she simply believed My promise to her.

Then when I whispered to the lily growing wild in the field, “There is no need to toil, for I shall supply the sun and the rain!”, this delicate flower accepted My words at face value, for she, too, knew there was no reason to doubt My pledge, as I am known to honor each oath I give.

And so, if I have generously supplied for the host of Creation, would I abandon My children, those whom I love beyond all measure? Would I, upon hearing their cries for help, close My ears to their pleas asking Me to intervene?

Yet this is exactly how so many of the saints view Me today. For lies spread by doubt have these children second-guessing the truth about My nature, and whether or not what I have said about sustaining their lives actually applies to them. These believe Me to be like a ‘fair weather friend’ who leaves the minute difficult circumstances arise. And while there is no proof to substantiate this claim, nonetheless, because doubt’s tale sounds convincing, he is believed. So then those meant to dwell with inner peace are instead filled with a sense of foreboding because they lack confidence in My name as Jehovah- Jireh, their Provider.Your Heavenly Father feeds the birds of the air so they neither sow nor reap as The One Who Cares For Them | My Daily Letters - MDL

Therefore, most who identify themselves as believers carry only a measure of faith, for they have yet to surrender their lives fully to My care. And so where internal growth should be abounding, little spiritual maturity has developed, for doubt has been given permission to linger about whispering accusations in their ear, questioning the veracity of My promise to always supply for their needs, thus preventing any real trust from forming, so that, instead, they remain as self-sufficient children who think it is up to them to make their own way through this world.

Although My faithfulness is clearly seen upon the earth (as I have sustained all of Creation throughout the centuries), still most require more proof of My fidelity and, as a result, will not simply take Me at My word. This is why most believers today spend their days striving to eke out, what they consider, “the best life possible”, for it is their own limited scope of possibilities that have been used as their reference point. And so, the carefree lifestyle I designed for them to live never materializes because this would require letting go of their own plans and relinquishing control of their future completely to Me.

Then which of My children would abandon their toil and strife to embrace a more peaceful existence, where the worry over tomorrow no longer burdens their heart? And while some would say this to be impossible, these naysayers are only echoing the words of doubt, as those who dwell in Christ have every reason to expect Me to provide on their behalf, for I am always true to My word.

Therefore, if My own Son had no place to call his own or a bed upon which to lay his head, yet I took care of Him, then you who were grafted into His line, who are now adopted children, can stand with this same expectation: that no matter the circumstances or how great the need, I shall provide for you, too.

Then the next time you hear the birds happily singing in the trees, or see flowers blooming in the fields, remember: the One who cares for them is also watching over you, which is why you needn’t worry about what shall be or how you shall generate your own supply. If you will lay your life fully in My hands, thus allowing Me to be your provider, then you never need to be anxious about tomorrow again.

Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?” -Matthew 6:26-30

(Received: 5/19/2021)

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