I am the Alpha and the Omega, I am the beginning and the end. Therefore, none came before I was and none shall come after Me. All that exists was brought forth and is sustained because I am, for if it weren’t for My Eternal Presence preceding Creation, there would be no mankind to walk this planet, as it wasn’t until I spoke into the void that the universe took shape and was formed.
And so it was only upon My command that this vast nothingness became a suitable environment for mankind to call “home” (although the scientifically minded would argue against this Truth because, to them, there is no observable evidence to prove My existence). And while I left ample clues to the hypothesis that Earth and its inhabitants could not be without the involvement of a Higher Power, these still reject the idea of Intelligent Design. Even with decades of research, those who are bound to humanistic beliefs have only been able to come up with “theories” about man’s origins, but nothing that would definitively prove that human beings slowly evolved from apes.
Since those who study the origins of man are ‘more learned and highly educated’ than most, their findings are trusted. As a result, the general public, without much hesitation, has been taught to accept as truth the assumptions made by the scientific community. Even though there are glaring holes in their suppositions, they still present this flawed theory as absolute fact and not simply as speculation. And so, by using grandiose terms to make this fable sound plausible, this lie continues to be spun.
Oh, how gullible is man, for he is still so easily duped into believing the voice of the enemy. And because he is relying upon his own faculties to discern between what is real and what is fiction, the ‘theory of evolution’ has become a predominant belief in this generation of man. This idea has been taught in schools without any opposing views, teaching children at an early age that this humanistic way of thinking is fact, and therefore, is not to be questioned.
Then like a rodent that has burrowed many tunnels, the enemy has found the way to deeply entrench himself into this nation. For while educators have embraced this singular thesis as the only one worthy of teaching, this theory has infiltrated many other areas of culture so that the traces of this lie can easily be found without looking very hard.
Now, even in the Church, some believers have grabbed a hold of this lie, for to them it is easier to believe that I used the evolutionary process to create, instead of just speaking Creation into being as it says in the Scriptures. And so these of My children have also been caught by the enemy’s lie, thus hindering their spiritual growth and maturity, for any form of humanistic philosophy added to the Scriptures creates a diluted doctrine that does not carry the same life-changing power.
Then it’s not enough to just pray that this false teaching be routed out of your schools, for it will still be entrenched in this nation. You must, therefore, contend against its presence across all seven mountains that influence this people, for the enemy has managed to furrow into each of these mounds.
Lay your sword to this stronghold; bear down upon it with your shield, for to see this blockade broken down will take persistent warfare against it. Then do not allow weariness to win out, but strengthen yourself in Me, for it is this remnant of valiant warriors that shall not give up the fight, as these have caught a glimpse of My vision for the future and will not relent until it is established on the earth.
Therefore strike, and strike now, for the enemy won’t be expecting this attack, as he is focused on tormenting the nation with fear and confusion. So strike this blockade with a barrage of prayers. Aim your warfare at each of these mountains until the burrows he has dug collapse.
“For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. “-Colossians 1:16-17
(Received: 5/30/2021)