The Polarizing Effect

by Lori Anne Hale
This nation's fate rests in God's hands from The Polarizing Effect | My Daily Letters - MDL

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The fate of this nation rests in My hands, and therefore, her future is not dependent upon man. For if I have determined that this land will remain standing, then this is simply what shall be.

Although, right now, it may seem as if this beacon of freedom is about to disappear, for there is a concerted effort being made to snuff out her light, this plan shall ultimately fail because I have put in place preventative measures to ensure that this assault on her liberties is unsuccessful. Those who thought themselves to be quite clever shall realize the great error in their judgment, for every attempt to go against My Sovereign Will has been met with a sound defeat.

So just like an eagle that has been circling high above and suddenly swoops down from the sky, so too, shall My hand put an end to this global uprising. Those seeking justice shall finally prevail, as the tide of this battle continues to turn. And while it may seem highly unlikely that the election results could still be overturned, what is impossible for man is entirely possible for Me.

Then as this part of the battle reaches its conclusion, a different fight shall break out, similar to that of a civil war, where two opposing political ideologies clash against one another. Great shall be the polarizing effect that this conflict has upon the people of this nation. For though this divide is already present to a degree, its breadth shall only widen in the coming days, like an impassable breach that is lacking a bridge to connect each side.

Similar to a civil war a battle shall break out from The Polarizing Effect | My Daily Letters - MDL

Because the ground being contested has not been fought over in this manner, for indeed this nation is passing through uncharted waters, anger shall fill the atmosphere like a layer of smog that fills the air with toxic fumes, making it difficult for people to see clearly. And since many in the population shall ingest these political pollutants (the partisan rhetoric spoken from the mouths of their current leaders), an internal agitation shall fester, building within a sense of frustration that will inevitably explode in outrage. Yet, some will manifest with violent outbursts, where the anger inside cannot be quelled until some form of physical destruction is leveled upon those considered their enemies.

But because those who practiced deception to grab the higher seat of power in this nation went to great lengths to make certain their man was placed in command, they will not easily concede defeat nor relinquish their position of authority. And so the governance of this land shall be contested by those fighting to have the will of this people reinstated, as there shall be no doubt left about who was rightfully chosen to preside as president over America.

Then uncharted waters are indeed just ahead, and shall present unexpected challenges for this nation and her people. Yet that does not mean their struggles are absent of any true resolution, for it just so happens that I have already created the perfect plan to recover all that has been stolen from this people. Therefore, be resolute in your hearts, determined to hold your ground until this current battle knows a victorious end.

And with your gaze fixed upon the promised horizon, resume a warrior’s stance, as one who, with unrelenting pressure, pushes back (using the weapons of My Kingdom) in order to overthrow the evil schemes done by the wicked.

Stay the course and cast aside any thoughts of defeat! For very soon My children shall be heard proclaiming across this land, “This victory was won by our God, Strong, and Mighty! So unto His Name alone is given all the glory, honor, and acclaim!”

“They cast their crowns before the throne, saying, “Worthy are You, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for You created all things; by Your will they exist and came to be.” -Revelation 4:10b-11

(Received: 6/15/2021)

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