The Position Of Victory

by Lori Anne Hale
Triumph is the starting point in battle for every believer from The Position Of Victory | My Daily Letters - MDL

I have rendered them useless, all the dark works of the enemy. Therefore, he no longer has the power over any who belong to Me. Then what blockade could he put up that would prevent a child of Mine from knowing success when he no longer has dominion over their lives? And so, it is only triumph that My children should expect, because that snake has been defeated, and most assuredly so.

However, even though he is forever beaten, that does not mean the devil will quietly secede and withdraw from battle, as his plan is to instill enough doubt so that My children give up their rights to be called “victors”, becoming the ones conceding defeat.

Oh how quickly My children forget their noble heritage, and that it is they who possess the higher authority. It is the enemy that must yield the way to them, which is why a demonic stronghold, though well-fortified, must crumble upon their command. It only takes persistence to see any and every oppositional barricade topple over, as these seemingly dense barriers are only a mirage, like sleight of hand: an illusion designed to elicit thoughts of failure so that victory appears impossible.

Ah, but those who are well-seasoned in their faith should not be so easily duped by this obvious trick, for they should have a firm grasp upon their identity, which is: you are “more than conquerors” in Christ. That position should remain as the internal stance of My children, where their understanding of who they have become in My Son does not change, regardless of the battle they are facing, as none who are Mine were created to dwell under any form of enemy oppression.

And so, to those who find themselves being pressed down, I say: push back against this strong arm tactic of the enemy with battle cries of “victory”, flooding the atmosphere with declarations of your triumph, thereby putting him on notice that he shall not dictate the outcome of your current struggle. Do not, therefore, consider the appearance of the difficulty to be your reality. Instead, hold to the perspective that you are already victorious, and, as a result, have triumphed over not only your circumstance but the enemy as well. 

Remember then: the position of victory is where each battle begins and ends! Do not accept anything less, and as such, you cannot know defeat unless you yourself throw in the towel. Do not dwell upon any thoughts of loss, for this is just the enemy’s voice tempting you to doubt, hoping he can dissuade you from continuing to fight. Press back against his lies with the truth, which is: that you have already won! Stand up to him! And soon you will see the enemy back down!


“But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 15:57

(Received: 7/2/2022)

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