The Preparation

by Lori Anne Hale
The shut down will stay in place until God completes the work He is doing now from The Preparation | My Daily Letters - MDL

This shutdown is only temporary, but will last until I accomplish within this season what I have intended, and it will, therefore, stay in place until My hand moves it out of the way.

Because there is something definitive I am hoping to have happen among My own, I will not yet allow them to congregate in the usual way. However, if most of My own would stop acting like spoiled children, throwing tantrums and trying to forcibly assert their right to assemble, they might understand that it is My hand and not the enemy which is preventing them from making headway against the government. And so just like with the children of Israel who were bound to Egypt because I hardened Pharaoh’s heart, so My people shall not know relief from this confinement until My work in this season is complete.

Though many have spoken of the coming revival, and this tremendous wave of resurgence, quite a few of My own have a false impression about how this ‘Great Awakening’ will come about. This is why many of My own are protesting against what is happening in their communities because they assume it is still the enemy at work against the Church; for they think the coming revival will manifest once believers can freely congregate in large meetings again.

However, because I am up to something new, the old way My Body is used to worshipping and operating won’t mesh with what I am now ushering in. For just like an old wineskin must be replaced with a new one before fresh wine can be poured in, so the outdated thinking of the past few generations of church doctrine must be rooted out of My Body, as this religious ideology does not flow with the direction My Spiritual wind is blowing. For the rustling of this breeze has begun stirring the hearts of My children, carrying within it songs of freedom and deliverance.

The Holy Spirit has begun rustling the hearts of Gods children with the sounds of revival from The Preparation | My Daily Letters - MDL

Then if My children will put aside their frustration, and let their eyes rest on the things above, they would see that the new work I am doing involves each of them, and incorporates their individual gifts, where those who are called to bring forth songs of worship can do so without the encumbrances of “performance”; for these are now free to spend uninterrupted time in My presence, where they can go even further into those moments of abiding: the space where these divine melodies dwell.

And for others who I have called “teachers”: if they will cast off vexation, and embrace these days without annoyance, their time with Me will produce deeper revelation, where these will gain insight from My Scripture that brings forth the bounty buried underneath each passage; fresh and timely insight that will dynamically affect My Body.

Yet this breeze that is blowing is not just to affect a few, but has risen from the North and is calling out to all of My children to rise up, for surely many more can prophesy, and speak words of encouragement, and still quite a few more can operate with the gift of healing, and those who are hospitable can open their homes for the work of the ministry. So then let each of My own not forget their divine calling, and approach this season with a different spirit, and not with the usual habits of the flesh, which are crying out for the wrong type of freedom.

For it is not the ‘physical’ chains which I am interested in removing through this time of adversity, but the ‘spiritual’ chains of religiosity which need to be broken off of their souls. The true confinement of My Church did not come in with the virus, as the limitations placed on My Body came in long ago when a religious spirit was welcomed in. And ever since that time, the flow of My Spirit has been subverted, or, not allowed to move at all. And because this evil spirit could freely occupy so much space among them, instead of walking in complete freedom, this religious spirit convinced many believers to accept his lies about what it meant to live as citizens of heaven while here on earth; believing doctrinal principles and certain religious formulas, all designed so My children could live “Godly” lives, defined as the “Christian” journey.

We will see the new thing God is doing when we keep our eyes on the things above from The Preparation | My Daily Letters - MDL

Sadly, those teachings only led My own back into bondage. For while the chains of sin were broken off, they were replaced by the ties of “religion”; for even many who consider themselves charismatic are bound, having made agreements with this evil foe, giving him room to dictate the flow of their services, where each gathering is lead by punctuality and the hands on the clock.

But what if My desire is to see all that change? Would My Church be willing to go where I am leading? Would they be willing to step into some uncharted waters, where My Spirit is the One who directs the flow of their gatherings? And what if what I have in mind for “service” looks nothing like what they are used to? Would My own still trust Me, even if where I take them feels uncomfortable at first?

Then to My own who are still troubled over their confinement: those whose hearts are outraged by what the government is doing to control its people, know that even in this, I am still working all things out for your good. So then recognize that your current circumstances hold within them the divine power of change. For within these days lies the opportunity to have encounters with Me that will redefine how you see our relationship, and liberate your thinking so your thought life is no longer confined to a religious mindset. Therefore, no more grumbling, as murmuring will not move Me because I do not respond to My children when they act out of turn, or demand I release them from suffering. For My own should know by now that My plans reign supreme, and therefore, it is they who must come into alignment with Me, and what I’m doing now.

The greater purpose then for this season exists within the shelter of their physical confinement; in the moments of quiet solitude, where those who linger in My presence will be invited to expand our partnership and recover the intimacy that was stolen by the religious spirit. Then grab hold of these days as something precious because this specific time was designed so that this generation of believers would usher in a ‘Great Awakening’. Treat these hours, days, and minutes with the highest care, where much attention is given to dwelling in My presence, so that the importance of this season is not wasted on trying to change the government’s mind. For just as with Pharoah, My children were only freed from bondage at the time I had appointed. Therefore, consider these days as dear; for your Heavenly Father has bestowed upon you this season for a deeper reason than just combating an out-of-control government. The stakes go much higher than what is seen in the natural because the true reason for the trial is the furtherance of My Kingdom; so that each of My children become confident in who they are in Me, and that the truest sense of identity is found not only in each one, but will encompass the entirety of My Body; so that the evil which held My Church captive can no longer prevail.

Recovering intimacy with the Lord is the greater purpose for this season from The Preparation | My Daily Letters - MDL

Then let this “shutdown” hold a new purpose, filling your hearts with expectancy, as when you await something exceptional to happen. Then your confinement should not be seen as a punishment, nor is it judgment, but as the time I have set aside to ready My Church for the coming revival. Therefore, let your heart settle in on this understanding: that each of My own has been asked to be a part of this preparation (though quite a few will still insist that overturning the governmental mandates is where to focus their efforts). Sadly, these will miss what I am really doing now. But, for those who will listen and are not led by frustration, let My Spirit guide you into all Truth, and do not conform to the behavior of this world, or its ways. 

See these days as another part of My transformational process: the one I created to develop My Church into the likeness of My Son. So then just as He always sought My will in every circumstance, so My own should follow His example; for His attitude of a servant led Him to an act of obedience which forever shifted the eternal atmosphere of the world.

Know now, in this season, that a spiritual change is beginning that will greatly affect My Church. And yet, for this divine occurrence to manifest within My Body means that those who are willing must run into My presence and pursue our relationship wholeheartedly; for I desire your undivided attention: where it’s just you spending time with Me.

So, come and partake of My goodness, then taste and see how sweet it is to be in My presence, because here in this space, I can change the old for the new, enabling you to carry the richer wine of My Spirit, so that what flows out of your being embodies the fuller and deeper flavors found in those who planted themselves at the foot of My altar. For far too long a shroud of darkness has covered My vineyard, keeping it from producing an exceptional crop. So then this season is about clearing the atmosphere of this hampering spirit hovering over My Church, allowing each branch the opportunity to grow to its fullest potential and yield a grand harvest.

Then it is this time in the Son that is needed to promote a robust orchard, where healthy leaves and hearty fruit are seen on every vine. So, come and laze in the warmth of My radiance. Let the beams of My glorious light chase out every dismal religious cloud, clearing the atmosphere around you so that My rays of Truth are able to touch those parts of your heart that still hold to this old line of thinking. Therefore, say to yourself, “A new season is upon us, so I must prepare for the harvest!”. For truly the time has arrived for revival to enter this generation of man.

“Will, you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?” Psalm 85:6

(Received: 5/3/2020)

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