The Proving Grounds

by Lori Anne Hale
A time of testing is the current season of the Church from The Proving Grounds | My Daily Letters - MDL

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Doesn’t it say in the Scriptures to, “Count it all joy when you face various trials…”, for adverse circumstances are the proving grounds of a believer’s faith?

Then because of what is written, this current season of the Church should be considered a time of testing, as My children are being challenged to put into practice what they believe, and, where the examination is about to become more difficult. For they have reached the point where the questions are harder, and I will ask believers to make some more strenuous choices based on faith.

Many shall, unfortunately, be the number who falter, since they have not prepared for the next part of this season, and as such, will have no idea how to respond to the trials which lie just ahead. So like a negligent student who doesn’t study when the Teacher schedules an exam, these believers haven’t even bothered to ask what the test shall cover, for they have assumed that they already know the answers, and consequently, shall not be ready when more difficult trials arrive.

Then as it is when a student is surprised by a ‘pop quiz’, where the neglectful pupil does not fare well because his responses are incorrect, sadly, this shall be the case for quite a few in the Church, having spent little time in preparation for the rigorous testing that is just ahead. So, while some in My flock are caught up in the wind of revival, unfortunately, a large number will fall away; for these may have walked up to the altar, but in all truth, never really accepted My Son as Savior.

However, those who have sat under the Teachers tutelage know that to pass My tests will require a closer examination of what they’ve been taught, for it is these deeper insights that shall help guide them through the coming days. And for those who have been paying attention, what is about to unfold in this nation shall stretch the faith of every believer, because the people in this country shall know a season of unrest like never before experienced on her shores.

To build faith in believers God uses adverse circumstances from The Proving Grounds | My Daily Letters - MDL

As a result of this national turmoil, the Church is going to feel further persecution. However, this time, it won’t only be with having their sanctuaries shut down; which is why I have been asking My children to start meeting in their homes, as I have already foreseen what would happen in this country.

Yet, because most believers have ignored My instructions, and pushed their own agenda for larger church gatherings, these have only added more fuel to the fire of hate that has been smoldering across this land. For very soon this flame shall ignite like a wildfire out of control, threatening to burn down every church structure in its path. Though I had stated through My prophets that believers should meet in their homes, and since most in the Church have not listened and are still trying to go back to their normal flow of operation, a match has been lit that cannot be put out; for it is too late to prevent this fire from gaining traction.

So then those who have heard My voice, need to heed My warning and prepare for the days to come, for the enemy is about to unleash an even greater assault against the Church. It would be wise, therefore, for those who are listening to avoid joining in with these large congregational gatherings. For when My children least expect it, the enemy shall launch a counter-attack and send many of My children running for cover.

Then understand that the time is growing short, and soon civil unrest shall be all around you.

Therefore, shroud yourself under the cover of My wing for I am your shield and your buckler, the One who shall protect you. Wrap yourselves in My pinions, for even the enemy’s most powerful demon cannot break a single one of these glistening feathers. Come into this shelter, abide in this safe haven, for those who draw near to My breast shall be wrapped and protected from this civil unrest, and the persecution which is about to unfold across this land.

“He will cover you with His pinions, and under His wings, you will find refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and buckler.” -Psalm 91:4


(Received: 8/21/2020)

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