Those Religious Shackles

by Lori Anne Hale
In a rut many believers are stuck as Those Religious Shackles | My Daily Letters - MDL

An adequate amount of time has been given for the Church to amend her ways, yet week after week the same pattern of behavior is followed with little variation, and without much room, if any, given to the move of Holy Spirit, as in most congregations He is like an uninvited guest who isn’t allowed to join their gatherings.

So while We had hoped that this would change at the onset of the pandemic when church doors were barred shut, a return to the “same” is all that occurred, where the order of service still dictates how their meetings will flow. And so each Sunday My children assemble expecting little more than to hear a well-crafted sermon coming from the pulpit so that they are entertained while being taught, thus settling back into the same old routine that has been followed for decades.

Although over the years I have tried to break believers free from this form of religious bondage by releasing a fresh outpouring of Holy Spirit upon them, but after some time had passed, My children eventually went back to what they knew, squelching the “new” I was doing amongst them, which was to restore My original blueprint of the early Church. Yet because very few believers have learned to function in conjunction with Holy Spirit, most are unable to discern what I am doing now, and so are walking in the same religious rut as their predecessors, where there exists a visible distinction between clergy and laity, instead of all dwelling in spiritual equality. For though some were meant to lead the way for others to follow, none who belong to Me are ever given permission to elevate themselves above their brothers and sisters, as if they were celebrities who must be protected from their adoring fans.

Then like a giant wave, Holy Spirit shall wash over this world, igniting the fires of revival, yet not as in the past where His power was centralized on a select few at the moment of combustion. No, this outpouring shall flow in and through those who are expectant of His visitation. Though in their own strength, some have tried to manufacture this promised resurgence, this visitation of My power shall not be credited to a single individual or ministry, for when this spiritual tide rushes in, its divine origin shall be self-evident to all who experience its supernatural surge.

However, let none misunderstand My intentions, as the coming revival is not simply about empowering My children with a fresh impartation of Holy Spirit fire, but is also come to set them free from the bondage of religion: those inhibitors placed upon the Church by her leaders when they turned back to the antiquated structure known for stifling the anointing and giftings I’ve bestowed upon all who belong to Me.

So when the force of this wave of renewal hits, a great many believers who have been chained by those religious shackles shall be liberated, thereby launching forth new Spirit-filled movements, where expressions of My indwelling Presence are allowed to manifest without fear of rebuke, as the barriers that hemmed these children in are gone. Know that the willingness to submit to the dogma of conformity shall be gone as well, for once My children drink from this fresh well of living water, an internal resistance shall rise towards any facsimile of the oppressive structure they left behind. For with these children, going back to “what was” is out of the question.

So while this long-awaited revival is available for all who would choose it, there shall be some of My own who adamantly reject it, and shall sadly live out the rest of their days in a stifled state, as these have refused the infilling of Holy Spirit, giving Him no room to operate in their lives, which is why the institutional church shall not be washed away when the wave of resurgence hits.

Then the window of time for the Church to shift back to My original blueprint on its own is all but closed, thus ensuring that a greater shaking shall come against her as a whole, causing many of My children internal distress, as they are not prepared to deal with the pressure of any further adversity. This outward tension shall act as a catalyst for the revival to be birthed, for many are the hearts that shall be awakened by the coming tribulation. 

Therefore, you who are listening, stand ready and be ever watchful, for suddenly this wave shall be released, flowing like a wide river designed for those who are paying attention to enter in.

 “And His voice shook the earth then, but now He has promised, saying, “Yet once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heaven.” This expression, “Yet once more,” denotes the removing of those things which can be shaken, as of created things, so that those things which cannot be shaken may remain. Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe…”-Hebrews 12:26-28a

(Received: 2/21/2022)

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