The Remnant

by Lori Anne Hale
Hope is not lost for this nation as long as there is a contingency of committed pray warriors as The Remnant | My Daily Letters - MDL

Hasn’t there been enough fighting? Haven’t there been enough angry words spoken in this land? 

Oh, when will those who live in this nation allow Me to heal their hearts? For though there have been times of unrest throughout its history, where the climate carried a certain level of hostility, there has never before been, however, so much animosity displayed out in public, as throngs of young adults take to the streets to show their displeasure against authority. 

So these have chosen to use civil disobedience like a weapon because those who are appointed to protect the overall population have stepped aside, thus giving this mob permission to act out in whatever way they see fit. Unfortunately, what these officials have not realized is that although these agitators are, right now, on their side, and because a certain percentage of this mob are only interested in the thrill of lawlessness, these protestors will have no problem turning on their allies to gain an advantage. For those who are willing to throw off common decency for violence and destruction only know loyalty to themselves. When people choose to abandon the laws of a civilization, the voice of reason is thrown out the window, as the need to assert dominance overrides all forms of dignity or the common courtesy found in most people. Yet, when a person agrees with the voice of rebellion, the word “No” is seen as a blockade that must be torn down, and anyone who tries to impose some sort of order becomes enemy number one, even if he has the same political leanings.

So what happens when anarchy breaks out among the anarchists? What form of law and order will these use to keep this mob in check? Although these are claiming civil authority is their oppressor, and that the laws of this land are too restrictive, what these can’t escape is the innate sense of right and wrong which every human being has built into their core. But because the rules have seemingly been lifted by those who bear the responsibility of enforcing the laws, this mob of young adults are stooping to unruly behavior, for they have become addicted to the taste of defiance.

So how many of these in this mob are actually true demonstrators? How many who joined this hoard had the sincere hopes to change the course of society? The truth is that a large portion who participated in the riots and civil unrest are not politically motivated at all, but saw the demonstrations as a prime opportunity to take advantage of the lax presence of law enforcement, where they could get away with stealing the property of another without the concern of having charges brought against them.

Sadly, all who have become participants in these public demonstrations are being duped into doing the dirty work of those who actually want to enact a more restrictive form of government: the kind that dictates a person’s livelihood, and seeks to limit independent thought, thus taking away the rights of the individual. However, when the flames of rebellion are provoked with the haughty air of angry rhetoric, meant to incite rage that leads to violence, those who are caught up in its blaze lose the sense of reason, for their hearts become consumed with seeking vengeance on those who have supposedly been holding them down. So without realizing it, these have unwittingly listened to leaders whose true motivations are to form an authoritarian government which would eliminate personal freedoms and force its citizens to live by constrictive laws, where dissent is not only frowned upon, but not tolerated in any form at all. 

Sadly, this nation is not the first to fall prey to this kind of political uprising. For several other countries saw their way of life changed, and their liberties stripped, because the young in the land were led astray by those who promised a better future would be had if they helped tear down the governmental system already in place. So then, many who were idealistic took to the streets with violence until their demands were met. However, once things calmed down and the dust had settled, the full realization of what these had done hit them like a heavy stack of bricks; but, regrettably, not before it was too late to change directions back to what had been lost. 

Yet, who among this recent mob of young adults can see the correlation between their current situation and the sad history of these other nations?

Unfortunately, they lack wisdom, and so cannot discern that those who are driving the agenda of defunding the local law enforcement are not interested in simply using socialization to govern the land, but have a much bigger plan in mind: one that would unite this country under the rule of a single global authority.

To defeat any evil foe God only needs a small group of committed believers known as The Remnant | My Daily Letters - MDL

Then, as the warmer days of summer press in, expect a greater force across the nation to get behind this push to defund the police. For those pressuring to tear down “what is” desire to replace it with their own form of policing: a method that is more political in its approach to meting out justice, where political allies are rewarded with special treatment, and those considered enemies of the state are punished simply because they have a differing opinion of how things should be run: a system where none are allowed to speak out against their leaders, which is the form of government these desire to see put into place. 

So these are perilous times indeed. Not because of the virus or the riots, but because the foundation of this nation is under attack, and is being threatened with collapse. And those who are leading the charge against its framework have designed a blueprint for rebuilding that looks nothing like her former glory. This beacon, which has stood for hope to so many, has been invaded from the inside, as many of her leaders, those who proclaimed their loyalty and allegiance to her declaration, opened the gate so a dark force could ride in undetected and get a foothold on her soil before the people discovered he was here. 

However, all is not lost. For as long as there is even a small remnant of believers who are willing to stand up against the spiritual tyranny operating in the demonic realm, this nation will not fall; but those who are committed to Me must press in with more intention, for this evil foe will take some convincing before he will give up the ground he is occupying and leave. Then, these warriors who have not been distracted by all the chaos, and who have kept their gaze fixed on where the real enemy lies, know that to overthrow him and win means a valiant effort must be applied, where they send volley after volley of prayers into the atmosphere so that the power of Heaven breaks forth bringing with it a sound victory.

Then to those of My own who are paying attention, don’t get caught off guard by the added turmoil which is sure to spring up as the next election cycle draws near. For the enemy’s plan is to cause a continuing ruckus in the physical realm of this nation, as a means to distract the Church from seeing what he is really up to. Sadly, so far, quite a few of My children have fallen for his trick. But I have seen that there are those within My Body who have chosen to see with their spiritual eyes, and so are very aware of what the enemy is trying to do.

So, these of My own are like a contingent of the finest warriors: those who stop to assess every battle from all sides, and not only with their natural sight. Then to these fine warriors I say: though our numbers may be small, remember it is not about the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog. Keep your battle gear donned, for the war wages on. And even when, at times, it may seem as if there is no end in sight to this battle, be assured of this: that you are not fighting alone! For I am out in front with My sword drawn leading the charge, for I will have My victory!

Then, to My fine warriors, I say, “Brandish your weapons, for we are at war!” Don’t give up on the fight, for those I have counted as part of this remnant are important to the success of this campaign. Then, let’s strike back hard against the enemy, so that his plan is defeated and this nation is still able to stand as the shining light of democracy, where all are permitted to live freely and without fear of their government.

Then for this land of liberty, let My fine warriors fight, for it is this act of sacrificial love that shall turn the tide of this battle in their favor.


“You have armed me with strength for the battle; you have subdued my enemies under my feet.” Psalms 18:39

(Received: 6/14/2020)

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