The Reward Of A Persistent Heart

by Lori Anne Hale
Experiencing God's presence as a gift and The Reward of a Persistent Heart | My Daily Letters - MDL

Draw near to Me for I am the true vine, the place of authentic connection where your soul becomes intertwined in a deeper experience of My love.

Each of My chosen has been given the ability to commune with Me, opened when they accepted My invitation to be grafted into My line, as the way of continual access to the dwelling place where We reside – Father, Son, and Spirit. This is always available, for We are carried inside you. So then, wherever you roam, We are literally there too! This is why a conversation between Us can be had at a moment’s notice, regardless of your current circumstances.

Because you are now aware that this type of relationship exists, a longing has risen in your heart to abide with Us on a more intimate level, the kind that goes beyond the superficial pleasantries of basic Christianity that you knew in your earlier years, where sound reason was mixed in with faith as an important factor for developing into the proper extension of My body; as the desirable characteristics sought after in those who would be esteemed as leaders.

But now, what you have discovered is that there is much more to being a child of My lineage, where self-imposed limits have been lifted, leaving you to move in the freedom My sacrifice guaranteed – the broad field of expanding faith where divine encounters are easily had, readily available to the one found seeking, and liberally given without exception (for there is no attitude of discrimination amongst Us). All are invited to encounter fresh revelation and increase their understanding of Our kingdom.

This space of abiding is the habitation for growth and renewal as the prearranged destination of co-existence; established before all things that were created came to be; the hallowed ground containing the presence of the Most High King. So if My elect are welcomed in without any restraints, into this Holy dwelling place, then the only known restriction would be their own margin of unbelief, for they have yet to embrace their true identity as joint-heirs of My realm, and are still grappling with the idea that there is no barrier between us. 

When the veil was rent in two, this action was meant to depict what had happened in the unseen realm where the limitations of priesthood expanded to include all those who walk to the altar of salvation and accept My offer of love, opening the way to where the Holy of Holies is found. Though the constraints of approach have been removed, very few are willing to move beyond the table of atonement, nervous about what they might find if they go further in and cross the line of free-will they have put up as an intentional boundary of their own design, set to create space between Us, which contains the distance they are unwilling to go in our relationship.

Yet, I still love these who hold apprehension, for none of My chosen are ever cast with a long shadow, each one still stands in the light of complete redemption. Though My desire is to have an open relationship where those who are unsure become comfortable with the idea of being led by My hand through this journey of life, yet, until that time, I will patiently wait for them to approach Me with the real desire for closeness, where they long to be with Me in a way that goes beyond just meeting their needs.

But who will take Me up on this offer? Who will press in long enough to find Me? Who will choose to do battle against their own thoughts and lay aside their own ideas to obtain this deeper relationship, one that exceeds what they already know?

It is to those who are persistent that this reward is given, to those who would diligently seek Me and deny giving their own imagination the position of superiority. This struggle to subdue their own thought life is why so many of My children stay away, for they become discouraged when My voice is not easily heard. What these fail to realize is that with Me, it is all about learning; of Me teaching My children how to live in this world as one of My own.

So then these, who are seeking, should continue with this practice, for I am delighted by their eagerness to find Me, as those hoping to have a face to face meeting with their heavenly Father. Nothing brings Me more pleasure than when one of My children comes running to Me, not just out of a sense of duty or polite obligation (as if visiting an elderly relative) but with the heart of sincerity, by one who longs to live out their days with Me by their side and would not even entertain the idea of having it any other way.

So to those who are seeking I say, “Keep pressing in!”, though it may feel like a struggle. If you continue to seek Me, you will find Me!

“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”    Jeremiah 29:13 

(Received: 2019)

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