The Ripple Effect

by Lori Anne Hale
The effects on the economy will continue after the shut down from The Ripple Effect | My Daily Letters - MDL

The drop in gas prices shows what is coming just ahead; for companies who buy and sell oil are about to lose their shirts in a very real way because this once thriving industry is now feeling the effects of the government shutdown, where the vats of their product are sitting untouched as very few are consuming gasoline during this season. 

Then, what will happen to these large corporations when the output no longer matches the need? What will this once booming industry do to stay afloat?

For now, shutting down rigs and refineries seems like the wisest decision, though this plan of action involves laying off many of their workers. But to keep from eventually going under, these large corporations will make the tough choice to hand out notices of termination to many of their employees. Yet, what of this nation which once knew a robust economy; will it be able to survive this national shutdown if it goes on much longer? How will the corporations and businesses who trade in this land stay out of the red?

And for those companies whose commerce is oil, what does their immediate future hold? If unavoidable closures occur which cause a slowdown in production, what will happen when most Americans return to driving their cars or using public transportation; won’t there be a noticeable shortage in the stockpile of oil? Although the lower prices experienced now have made it a little easier on those who are still commuting, when the national shutdown ends and there isn’t enough gasoline to go around, will the rationing lines seen long ago form again with prices that have risen well above what is reasonable to charge for this product? Then, as a result, fewer cars will be seen on the roadways because mass transportation will seem the more affordable option. So, shall Americans have to adjust to this scenario as part of the “new” normal after the pandemic?

After the national shut down lifts the cost of living will be going up from The Ripple Effect | My Daily Letters - MDL

Yet, those who have been pushing for tighter environmental regulations (rules limiting how much gasoline a person can consume) will be satisfied by what they see happening amongst the population. In their minds, fewer cars on the road means saving this valuable resource for future generations. For this nationwide shutdown has given the plan to downsize the national carbon footprint quite a boost. Unfortunately, what those focused on saving the environment can’t see is how this commodity affects the entire economy, as its use is not limited only to filling the tanks of automobiles, trucks, and planes, but is also found in many common products which Americans consume daily.

So then what happens when these manufacturers aren’t able to find a sufficient supply to mass produce in large enough quantities? Will these companies succumb to the negative fallout driven by the economic shutdown?

Then here’s what’s coming just ahead: the suffering and hardship shall continue even after the pandemic has ended, for the ripple effect that comes from the shortage of this one commodity shall cause the most damage, as many find themselves unemployed, or without a means to get around. As a result, the feelings of confinement and isolation will only grow and add to the already repressed state most are living under. Although this nation, as a whole, will know some recovery, in certain areas, however, those states and populations that rely on commuting, who use their cars to travel to work or run errands, shall surely be impacted the hardest by the aftereffects of this shutdown. For not only will these citizens feel the rising cost when they fill up at the pump, but because a mighty recession is about to strike this country, they’ll also feel it when they head to the market to buy groceries and household products. 

Yet, most consumers in this nation don’t really understand their reliance on this single commodity, and therefore don’t see the larger dependency they have on oil. So while some citizens are enjoying the cheaper price of fuel right now, soon the cost of everything will rise so that most Americans will have to strive just to make it through the week. And because the higher cost of basic living will gobble up the excess income which many knew, the phrase, “living from paycheck to paycheck” will be heard more often. Then, since the national shutdown closed some refineries, just to buy a few groceries or other essentials will take even more of their hard-earned dollars. But instead of reopening and bringing relief to the population, these processing facilities will remain closed. 

To help others believers should be willing to give out of their savings from The Ripple Effect | My Daily Letters - MDL

Yet, for most who live in this nation, their focus is limited to here and now; on getting back to work and leading a more productive life again. Very few have seen the writing on the wall, or the greater implications concerning the future of this country and the continuing impact the economic shutdown will have on their lives. However, this change will be apparent in the coming days as the divide between rich and poor will be easy to see; for the middle class will almost vanish: where those who fall into this group have no choice but to move down a few rungs on the economic ladder and become part of the impoverished sect: those who can barely afford to feed themselves or their families.

Yet, I have not spoken these words to promote fear, but so that My children will be ready for the immediate future. For just as I told Joseph that a famine was coming and would enter his land, so I am telling those whom I love of the events which shall unfold in their nation. This is not meant to fill them with a sense of urgency, where they go running out to the store and begin hoarding, but so that My own adopt the same attitude found in early believers, where each one gave what they had so none went without or were starving. So, I am calling on My children now to be open-handed and give out of their financial storehouses, and ready themselves to release from their savings into the livelihood of another. Then the excess you hold now is meant as the provision for others, for shortly quite a few will know lack and poverty.

Then, what some of My own have saved up for a rainy day, I will ask them to let loose of and bless those who are suffering. For while many consider themselves responsible stewards, they must understand that I did not give them a surplus of funds just to see them through tomorrow, but as a source for helping others. For on our journey, we will encounter different seasons, where sometimes I ask them to sow seed into another, even when their own finances are tight. However, this seed is not just limited to their tithe (that small portion set aside for the work of My Church), but encompasses every last dollar they hold.

So, in these coming days, My own should see themselves as sowers, where their financial surplus is ready to be planted in the lives of others; those who are neighbors and even strangers. For in this season of adversity, My children should still continue living with generous hearts; for I do not want any concerns for the future to keep My own from giving. Even though logic would say, “save”, I am challenging My own to set aside every apprehension that would keep them bound to these thoughts of holding back blessing because the amount in their financial storehouses is getting low. For each day should be lived in My fullness and without the fear of tomorrow, and where generosity and liberal acts of giving are expressions of deeper faith. 

Then see the excess you hold today as a seed just waiting to be planted, for I gave this extra in your hand as the provision for “good works” in the coming days. Therefore, adjust your thoughts to align with My perspective, and know that soon My Spirit will come knocking on the door of your heart and challenge you to give away the funds you have saved for a rainy day. So let go of your own plans and how you will survive the shutdown, and release your complete existence to Me. Trusting in Me as your Provider is the attitude which all of My children are meant to have, even those who maintain a steady income and receive a lucrative paycheck. Then, in these days, My Body as a whole will be given the opportunity to wage war against the enemy by overcoming the misunderstandings about their money and how it relates to My Kingdom.

So those who are frugal with every dollar, those who lay out a budget for spending and saving, shall have to release this old notion of stewardship; for trusting Me with their entire life means surrendering their own ideas about what being a “good steward” really means. Then those who put much stock in saving must cut off this tight-fisted binding, as this way of thinking speaks of self-reliance and fear. Therefore, to My own who hold a little or a lot, I say, “Let go of these funds and release all that you own over to Me, so that through you, the work of My kingdom can advance to even a greater measure.” Fully open your hand so that when I ask, you will generously sow the amount needed without restrictions or the pretext of loaning. For when someone asks for your help, do not simply say, “I will pray”, but give out of what you own so that their need is met. This is how My children should live out their days on this earth: where they toss off every inhibition of fear so they can enjoy the freedom of living an abundant lifestyle. 

Then don’t pray to avoid this season of hardship, but ask Me to reveal My good and perfect will for these coming days. For in this season, there are experiences designed to teach you more about living in your true identity, as one who is lacking nothing, and so can liberally give and sow. Therefore, embrace the immediate future like any other part of our journey, without fear or frustration. For the challenging season just ahead was designed to be the fertile ground for gaining growth and understanding. So expect to experience life as My child in new and unexpected ways.

“He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness.”   2 Corinthians 9:10

(Received: 4/27/2020)

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