The Rubicon Of His Love

by Lori Anne Hale
Our feelings towards God are not the basis of contingency for His love

The rescuer of mankind has come with deliverance in His wings so that the soul of every human being can know the justification that flows from being made clean. From the heavens He descended bearing the saber of Truth in His hand so that all who would receive Him could find the redemption of their sins.  

How fortunate it is for mankind that He came, for if not for Him, then their lot in life would remain unchanged, with death and darkness their only reward after spending a lifetime of toiling as slaves. Yet, in that singular moment when, as an infant, He drew His first breath, everything in the universe began to shift as it prepared to move back into full alignment with My original intentions.

For when He became the caveat that suspended forever the law of sin, every part of creation which had fallen was made clean again. His death on the cross was My provision for linking mankind to wholeness, and His resurrection the proof that every word He spoke while on the earth was the Truth. Therefore, ought not man be compelled to accept My Son as Savior? Shouldn’t a person’s heart ring with glad tidings because of the blessing which His gracious gift lavished on humanity? And wasn’t His the greatest reward ever given as He became the sacrificial Lamb upon My altar? 

For when He was asked to step into this place of total surrender, He neither refused nor did He falter. Instead, He willingly came forward as the one chosen to bear every stain of iniquity upon His shoulders. Yet, knowing the price to be paid would be costly, He still made the decision to endure the Cross and it’s torture, as the One who would release man from the penalty of his transgressions. Then as His last words were spoken and He cried out, “It is finished!”, this proclamation described what His death had accomplished. For he didn’t simply die a martyr (as one does when being made an example). No! His final breath, just like His first, contained the power of Heaven and the rich ardor of My affections.

Since it was His divine purpose to re-establish the “unity of relationship” between mankind and their Father, now any and all can approach Me, for the recompense for their evil ways has been paid. Yet, there are still so many who refuse to accept the Truth about who He was and still is: who choose to deny His very existence, and see their repudiation that He is the Christ as the only evidence needed to refute His claims: that this One, who is referred to as Jesus, truly is the Savior.

But if it weren’t for those who have chosen the Truth, wouldn’t His life have been spent in vain?

For aren’t the masses of mankind still oblivious to their fallen state? And don’t the multitudes of the lost still outnumber those who are saved?

Yet, He still laid down His life knowing that only a fraction of humanity would choose to follow Him. He gave what was required to furnish the way so each and every man, woman, and child could savor the sweet taste of freedom. Oh, how splendid was His offering and how loving the gesture He made! For who else would have paid such a heavy price for the unjust? No one but My Son!… because He saw something of value in each human being, and so He agreed to be the permanent mediator between us. And here is where He still stands, as the Chief intercessor for the world, as the One who remains continually before My throne, crying out for those who are lost, and He will not rest until all those who are My own have returned: those who carry the mark of their true home. 

So now that the ramifications of sin have been undone, any who choose can be rejoined to the genial bonds of eternal fellowship. Oh how agreeable does man’s soul become once he is acquainted with My Son! How good-natured his heart turns once he no longer feels the oppression of the downtrodden. For whose countenance could remain in despair after the unconditional love of My Son has manifested itself upon them and crossed the path of those in desperate need?

How then could any continue to wander down the remorseful road of sin when this better way has been opened, where a soul can be made new again? Shouldn’t this extraordinary path (which was cut with the innocent blood of My Son) be more preferable, for it only imposes one stipulation to journey on its smooth terrain? This easy requirement is simply the acknowledgment that My Son reigns supreme and that He is once and for all the rightful King, the one who came to take back what was stolen from Me, who now sits at My right hand as the only True Heir over everything.

Therefore, all who believe in Him have been given permission and the right to assume the title of sons and daughters of My Kingdom, as those who are seated in Heavenly places, for their hearts now belong to Me. But of those who are perishing, there can be no resolution to their depraved state unless they, too, choose the path of reconciliation by accepting My Son and receiving His offer of forgiveness. He is the only way for anyone to be saved from what surely awaits them on the other side of this life without His virtuous blood to cover them.

Oh how hearty in strength and how mighty in power does each drop of His blood contain! For it can break every unyielding chain of bondage and wash away the stains of corruption (those regrettable decisions that keep a man held hostage to his past). So then, who could refuse His generous offer and reject the gracious gift of redemption He has bestowed upon mankind? 

Sadly, there are more who are bound to stay partnered with their sinful compulsions than are those who will turn aside from their selfish ambitions for the elevated lifestyle of My Kingdom. And although it grieves My heart to see so many who are perishing, My thoughts become lighter when I remember those already known as My children. For when I look upon those who are My chosen, there is a radiance of pride that reflects in My eyes because it is the joy of a proud Father which greets them as One who is loving and approachable even when their behavior has been somewhat questionable. 

Yet, these I have included in the line of My most treasured possessions are those whose worth to Me is counted as priceless. For isn’t it the sincere love of a Father that continues to see the potential in His children, who chooses not to dwell on the obvious flaws in their character because He knows these will be worked out of their being through growth and maturity? So then, why would any still hold to the belief that I am not kind, even though rumor has it that I am taciturn or distant, and that I regard mankind with a skeptical eye, ever ready to punish anyone who steps out of line?

But what a contradiction this is to the posture My heart really carries, which has been displayed for the world to see and was exhibited through the sacrifice of My Son. For what would cause someone whose only goal is to condemn, to then offer any form of reprieve to an offender? If it is true that retribution is what I am after, then why give mankind any form of relief? Why then would I allow One who was so precious to Me to become the reparation for mankind’s sin? Yet, this is precisely what I did, because it is always and forever My love for humanity that motivates My heart towards action. The many who are perishing cause God's heart to be broken from The Rubicon of My Love | My Daily Letters - MDL

So though there are many who will refuse to believe My intentions are true, and quite a few more who will cast aspersions about My character, it does not change the affections I carry, for nothing can diminish this devotion as it is ever-present and will remain a constant that never ceases to be. Therefore, at any time, those who please can experience My expression of perfect love, for it has not been set aside for just a small number of people, as if some are more worthy of My devotion.

For when a person crosses over the “rubicon” of My love, it is an eternal exchange that bears witness, for the soul of this one has now entered an irrevocable status and cannot be separated from Me again. For even if at some point, should someone choose to reject Me, their position in My heart is immovable, as the consistency of My love is not contingent upon the reciprocal nature of a man’s heart. Therefore, the ardent expression of My love is changeless.

So then, if it is not the authenticity of My love that is in question, why would any refuse Me?

The struggle to receive Me must then lie within man himself, because My good qualities and sincere devotion should cause him to run My direction. But instead, it’s to himself and others that he searches to meet his present need. 

Oh, how My heart grieves over these, as I watch this current sea of humanity flow away from Me! Yet, I know there are some in this large populous who will, at a certain point, see that a better life can only be found in Me. And though knowing this brings Me gladness, it doesn’t alleviate My concern for the many who are perishing.

But who can force anyone living to kneel before Calvary’s Cross, as it is always the choice of the one whose soul is fading to receive His pure offering? Oh, if those who are lost could only know the depths of My fondness, how quickly would these turn to repentance and surrender their life to Me without further objections.

So then the Cross held this simple but poignant message: My love for this world is immense,  and My Son’s death became the payment for every sinner’s past, having swung open the door to My habitation where their troubled soul can at last find rest.  

 “This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.”  1 John 4:9-10

(Received: 2019)

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