The Seeds Of Discord

by Lori Anne Hale
To the world believers are to exemplify the love of Christ from The Seeds Of Discord | My Daily Letters - MDL

Those whose feet are bound to the shoes of peace are not to walk as do the heathen, who are easily provoked and drawn into pointless arguments.

Then any who say, “I follow Christ”, should refrain from this behavior, whether it be a face-to-face confrontation or stirring up dissension through the means of social media platforms. For a contentious remark or sharp retort does not promote the love of Christ, to which each of My own was called to exemplify.

Yet because, in today’s culture, it is common to voice one’s opinion for all to hear, even when the stated sentiment is knowingly provocative, the launching of a verbal jab at those thought to be opponents has been normalized, even among My children: those who are no longer to pattern themselves after this world. And since this trend has been embraced by many believers, these brethren, instead of proclaiming the gospel of peace, have in mind to set others straight about where to stand on current societal and political issues. Though some may throw in a Scriptural reference or two to support their position, still the underlying motivation is pride, as the real intention is to prove that what they believe is right.

So then, this preoccupation with being “heard” must cease, as this is a fleshly compulsion that has yet to be crucified by the power of the Cross, where the “old nature” is exchanged for the “new” found in Christ. However, to be freed from this sinful habit will involve ‘denial’, where its pull is instead answered with self-control, which will thereby deny the working of the flesh. Yet this internal battle shall not be won overnight, but victory will be awarded to those who persevere and are determined to overcome.

Then know that continuing to engage in silly arguments is futile, and only serves to bolster your flesh. For how many, if any at all, are won over by your vain ramblings or petty diatribes? Then recognize that each rebuff you received was unnecessary, yet is expected when someone chooses to sow the seeds of discord into the lives of others.

Then, to those of you who have knowingly offended, quickly make amends by offering the branch of peace so that you once again dwell in a more harmonious state with strangers and neighbors alike.

Remember, dear ones, you are ambassadors of My Kingdom, those who represent to this world what it means to be a child of the Living God. Therefore preach the Good News to anyone who will listen, but let it come from a heart filled with love and compassion, one that longs to see the souls of others resting in My perfect peace. For then they, too, will have traveled the joyous road to salvation.


“Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels. And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will.” -2 Timothy 2:23-26

(Received: 9/2/2021)

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