The Significance Of A Challenge

by Lori Anne Hale
Transformation in a believer's life comes through adversity as The Significance of the Challenge | My Daily Letters - MDL

The significance of a challenge is born out of the adversity experienced.

For through the depths of a trial lies the point of transformation, where the old beliefs are exchanged for the new, and faith once again has the opportunity to abound. For here is the reason behind the struggles of life: not to punish, but to bring growth; where life must be examined with spiritual eyes so that the real issues can be vetted and understood.

However, for most of My children, it is on the surface level of the challenge where their eyes come to rest, so they miss what I am hoping to work in, and through, their inner being because the real confrontation lies in the space not visible to man. Yet, most of My children will engage the struggle on this plane believing that what needs to be overcome is that which their eyes can see, not realizing the true battle is really waged beneath the surface of things.

For if it is indeed My desire to have My children go through a transformation: to walk through the process of becoming more like My Son, it should come as no surprise when tribulation arises in their lives and hardship is placed upon them. For here is where His characteristics are developed and where their old nature is exchanged for the new (since bearing His likeness is My goal so that others would witness His love through these: the ones I call My own). However, for the expression of His image to be fixed within their beings means they too must walk down the road of suffering.

You see, though there were some who accepted Him as Savior, most only greeted Him with rejection, as they did not have “the eyes of understanding”, so they could not comprehend who He was and what His coming meant for them. Those things He revealed about My Kingdom (while He walked on the earth) were not widely accepted by the masses and caused them to turn their hearts away in judgment. Therefore, it then became an easy task to take His life as they believed Him to be a troublemaker and a heretic, for He didn’t fit into the box of the more religious and the ideas they carried of a Savior: which looked more like an earthly King.

Pain and suffering should be counted as a blessing in a believer's life in The Significance of a Challenge | My Daily Letters - MDL

So then, they missed the divine exchange that was happening right before them, when He gave up His life and sacrificed Himself for every human being, which included those who caused Him unspeakable anguish. For the love He carried, held no exceptions and included even the vilest of offenders. Therefore, My own children should count it a blessing when they, too, experience pain and suffering. For then they know their Heavenly Father is at work and that He is about to do something remarkable within them. This is why those who are walking through these kinds of struggles should be joyful, and wait with eager anticipation for what this trial produces because it is guaranteed to hold just the right circumstances to achieve greater growth and maturity. 

Then to these, I say: “Do not squander this time by being focused on the simpler thoughts of the immature. Instead place your attention on your inner being, for this is why the struggle exists: so that transformation has the room to unfold within, as your new man becomes increasingly stronger so that the rest of your days can be lived out on higher ground, as one who has learned that this inner fortitude is the most important part of their makeup. So don’t shy away from the confrontation of a challenge because it is only Me doing what is best for you.”

Therefore, you should see these difficult times from this perspective: that it is My good intentions that are at work. Then stand confidently in Me, for I know what I am doing, and so you can continue to trust Me.

” Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. ” Romans 5:3-5

(Received: 10/1/2019)

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