The Stream

by Lori Anne Hale
From the Church God has come to clean out the murky waters of sin as The Stream | My Daily Letters - MDL

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For far too long the Church has existed in a state of “appeasement”, giving room for fleshly sin to dwell amongst their congregations, thus permitting dark spirits inside to influence not only My flocks but also the Gospel message.

Because many have fostered this conciliatory environment, the river of life flowing through My Body has become polluted with the refuse of worldliness, just as when the pure waters of a mountainous stream become contaminated when litter is tossed upon its banks. And while it’s said that during this season I have come to drain the governmental swap, so too, shall My hand clean out the murky waters of sin which have tainted the Truth and poisoned the hearts of My children.

Then indeed a purging wave shall wash in and through the Church, overtaking her seats and platforms, ridding it of those who stand in a compromised state: those who are still embracing their soulish desires.

Therefore, just as one who continues to be unfaithful to their marriage bed dishonors the one with whom he made a covenant, those who have unfaithful hearts shall fall from their lofty positions, for these false teachers have led too many astray.

Then those who have stood true in righteousness should not be alarmed when they see those once thought beyond reproach discredited and brought low, for does it not say in the Scriptures that teachers would be judged with a stricter standard? Yet it is “correction” that I seek and not condemnation, for to see the Church rise up strong in this nation, any stream flowing with pollutants must be cut off.

And so it shall be that a mass exodus will be seen leaving the Church, where those faces normally seen have disappeared, for those believed to have been committed to Me never let go of their former ways. However, during this season, because I am cleansing out the filth and impediments from My river, the rush of Holy Spirit will not be hindered when He arrives to enliven the ekklesia.

Dear ones, be encouraged this day, for though the unfolding of My plan has caught many of you by surprise, understand that I am doing what I know is necessary at this time so that the Church can stand immovable by the world in the coming seasons and generations.

Then do not look around with a skeptical eye like those who are double-minded, but instead, rest upon this single thought: that the God who brought down Goliath and elevated David, is the same God who not only saved you from death, but is the One who shall deliver the Church in this nation.

“Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.” –James 3:1

(Received: 1/19/2021)

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