The Test

by Lori Anne Hale
Our faith grows through the challenges of life as The Test | My Daily Letters - MDL


Where the river is at its deepest, that is the point of crossing, the place you will step into the waters of testing. This area of ground is where our path continues, not around or over, but right through the middle. Though the trail is completely covered, and you cannot see to get a sure footing, solid ground still lies just beneath, for, with your first step of faith, the waters will begin to subside. This continuing process of trust will see you safely through to the other side, without any harm coming to you or even to those you hold dearest.

For Me, this is just another excursion, an outing with one of My children, where we get to explore your surroundings and come in contact with a few challenges, but nothing which is meant to dissuade you from continuing forward. For when you have Me in the lead even a rushing river is easily passable because I know the exact point where it is safest to cross.

This is how I designed the journey, where at times, the road will, on appearance, be filled with uncertainty, leading to destinations unknown, places you have never been before. When you arrive at one of these times, recognize it for what it is – an intentional obstacle, which was given to you, containing what is needed for you to experience growth, expand your inner man, and deepen the relationship between us.

To your natural sensibilities, where I ask you to step, will appear to be the least acceptable option, as you are unable to see beyond the shallow, and cannot ascertain anything below the water’s surface, and when you attempt to peer beyond, hoping to decipher what will happen once you make the initial move of trust, know that what you will see is your reflection staring back, like in a mirror, the face of one who is a bit nervous, for I have internationally obscured the way.As part of our walk with God there are times of testing from The Test | My Daily Letters - MDL

Yet, rejoice when you run into these moments of challenge, knowing you are about to encounter something miraculous, that I am about to pull off something, which for you, seems impossible, yet for Me, is in line with My character, just the normal way that I operate.

You see, times of testing are all part of your walk with Me, a natural occurrence in the lives of My children; the process I have created so they are able to learn and to grow. It is never meant to be viewed as punishment, but always to teach, just as when taking an exam: you study and practice each equation before actually taking the test. But when the Teacher decides you are ready, according to the lesson plan He has laid out, He issues the date for you to establish what you have learned, by facing the problems He has constructed, wanting you to rely on those things He has taught you.

For with Me as your instructor, you never need to worry about missing any part of the answer, because I always teach to the test. I never throw in something random, expecting you to come up with the resolution on your own. Nor do I ever fail any of My students, as I offer unlimited retesting so you never receive a poor grade or arrive with an unsatisfactory mark.

I give endless opportunities to pass and am never disappointed if you have to try again. Because I really enjoy My role as a teacher, I am especially good at one-on-one tutoring, where I am able to give in-depth instruction, so that in the areas which you might be struggling, I can then offer the perfect correction, showing you how to find the right solution; setting the answer in the staying power of understanding, as if in cement, permanently attaching it in your being.

So when your path brings you to a place of trouble, when a problem or two presents itself before you, know that your Teacher has decided it is time for you to be tested, because He knows your stage of development, and is certain you are ready to master this level, then move you into a higher position of faith.

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” James 1:2-5

(Received: 9/7/2018)

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