The Triumphant Entry

by Lori Anne Hale
The voices of the redeemed should be heard praising the name of Jesus from The Triumphant Entry | My Daily Letters - MDL

The triumphant entry of My Son was a declaration to the world that the true King had come at last. Yet, the overall effect this announcement had on those, who at that time, were considered scholars of My Word, was denial. So, although they spent their days studying and memorizing My earlier writings, these learned men missed what I was doing at those moments because their hearts were clouded by sinful thoughts and a selfish agenda. This prophetic fulfillment was overlooked by those who claimed to be authorities on the Scriptures, even as it came to pass right before their very eyes. For these religious leaders had developed their own ideas of how My Kingdom would unfold here on earth. So then, to have the Messiah actually come from a carpenter’s son, was not something they could fathom; for they believed the One who had been foretold would surely hold a more stately position amongst the communities of men, as someone who was already well respected.

Then, how could this One who rode in on a donkey be the King who would save them when He came from nothing and had no earthly backing that would exalt Him to rule over those considered their enemies? For wasn’t it promised to My people that soon a Savior would come to free them from bondage, where they would no longer be held captive by their enemies? 

But because the haze of bigotry and arrogance covered the perception of these leaders, they would not consider or give credence to the claims of My Son’s true identity. To them, this procession of donkey and palm branches was offensive, and nothing but a farce, for surely the One sent by Me would arrive on a noble steed with a mighty army marching behind him ready to conquer every earthly foe that would dare come against “My chosen people”.

Unfortunately, these missed the deeper Truth being revealed while My Son walked the earth; though He satisfied every prophetic word that told of the Messiah. Yet, even with undeniable evidence of who He was and is, many still try to refute the facts proving the actuality of His deity. However, even today the notion that Jesus of Nazareth became the King of all Kings is refuted by some considered experts in biblical studies; for these teachers argue that the historical accounts (though accurate), which speak to the validity of His birthright, may hold a hint of bias because they were penned by those who walked closely with Him and therefore cannot be held as legitimate recordings of the past. 

Yet, to dismiss what has been credibly proven reveals a predisposed attitude towards rejection, for these theologians seem bent on demonstrating He was just a man, thus lessening the value of any eyewitness accounts of these actual events. However, though some have tried to diminish what happened during the days of My Son’s ministry, who has really been successful at these attempts? Hasn’t the power of His name only grown stronger throughout the ages? And instead of His followers decreasing in number, hasn’t the world witnessed a great multiplication of believers?

All of mankind's sins were paid by Jesus from The Triumphant Entry | My Daily Letters - MDL

Then, when He rode into the city on that humble foal and the crowd began shouting, “Hosanna!”, this was the earthly announcement to the world that He was indeed the Savior: the One I had sent to strike down the enemy’s illegitimate rule and authority over the lives of mankind. But to see Him as such meant those early teachers would have to discard their preconceived notions about how the Messiah would be ushered in; for they believed His coming meant a national shift would occur where My people would assume dominance over their oppressors. And so, these could not see Him as their ‘Conquering Hero’, who would rescue the whole human race from the clutches of sin and death, and defeat their actual enemy: the one who is after the soul.

But because these learned men misinterpreted what they had studied and read, when I brought forth the real Savior, He was met with contempt, as if He was a criminal (since He did not fit into the scenario they had depicted when they taught or discussed His arrival). Then as pride and resentment began to fester in their hearts, these scribes began to plot and plan, hoping to contrive a scheme that would lead this Lamb to His end. And as is often indicative of mankind, when self-regard becomes the trait that is embraced, even the death of the most innocent can be justified as not only tolerable but also permissible. Then, the reason given for taking My Son’s life had nothing to do with His own guilt, for within Him there was not even a blemish of fault to be found. He never uttered a careless word nor had an improper thought. His heart was ever pure, even up to the point where He surrendered to the undeserved punishment of death.

On the altar of the Cross, He laid down His life, where the shame of the world became His burden to carry. Then, when He sat on that donkey and traveled through the streets, the palm branches laid out were a symbol of His victorious defeat over the devil. Yet, the enemy and his cohorts were not prepared for the shock that was coming, for Satan, too, was blinded to what My Son and I were really after. To say he was fooled would be an understatement of what really took place when the enemy’s authority was stripped away right out from under his feet.

Then, to think the devil could ever pull anything over on Me is quite laughable, especially since he doesn’t possess the ability of foresight, so he couldn’t know what would happen once he pressed those religious leaders to seek My Son’s crucifixion. 

Then, down from his lofty chair did the enemy fall as the keys of dominion were stripped away from him, unlocking the padlocks and chains incarcerating the souls of humanity. Oh, how far the enemy has fallen from the place he once held; for now it is My anointed who retains the power and authority over him. My Son’s triumphant ride was never about exalting Himself on the earth but was, in fact, the pronouncement of His coming Kingship: as the One who will forever be seated at the right hand of the Father. 

The symbol for believers of the victory found in Jesus is the palm branch as seen in The Triumphant Entry | My Daily Letters - MDL

So on occasion when My children see the branches of a palm tree, let them think upon that moment when My Son was announced as the Messiah, and what these leafy green fronds mean for them. For not only did this triumphant ride firmly establish His rule, but it also revealed His intentions to save mankind from darkness. Therefore, the sound of “Hosanna in the highest” should still be proclaimed amongst My own as words of thanksgiving for what their Savior has done. Then, in recognition of His triumph as their true Champion, the hearts of My own should forever be found grateful. Because without His willingness to step forward and remain committed to the path I had chosen for Him (the one that pointed to certain death), who among them could ever say they are no longer known as “sinners”?

How delighted, then, should each of My children be when they remember how far they have come; for how poor was the condition of their souls before the blood of His love washed over them? 

Then, indeed these have more reason than most to boast; but not about themselves, since none of man’s accomplishments can hold a candle to the heights My Son attained when He stepped into the position of “lowliest”. Then, if any should boast, let it be of His name alone, for He is the only true victor! Then, to My children: those who remain in right standing with Me: those who have ultimately won, let your thoughts ponder what you have freely received and were undeservedly given. For how many that have earned the penalty of death are found sitting at the King’s table?

Therefore, so each one could be spared the sure punishment for their crimes and be worthy to be called “sons and daughters’, He had to step in as the propitiation for their crimes so that these could be granted permission to enter My gates and access My throne room. Then those who are considered “redeemed” should not withhold their praise because to fully express their adoration for His unselfish gift, the sounds of “Hosanna” should be heard and lifted up; not just by a few, but by all of those who are partakers of His new covenant and are known as recipients of His perfect love. 

Then with joy and excitement, sing out His name; for truly your Savior has triumphed over the enemy and has bestowed upon you the victory of everlasting life. So praise Him who alone deserves to be worshipped, and let your songs be joined with all of Heaven, singing “Hosanna, the Messiah has come!”

“Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion! Shout, Daughter Jerusalem! See, your King comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.” Zechariah 9:9

(Received: 1/17/2020)

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