The True Measure Of Success

by Lori Anne Hale
Real purpose and identity are found in Jesus Christ alone at The True Measure of Success | My Daily Letters - MDL

To most, the path forward would seem to be rather logical, held in a straight line of sight (as if moving from A to B like positions on a map), measuring progress by calculating the steps required to obtain the goal that’s set like a finish line.

So, onward is the push, thinking effort will bring happiness, with performance held as the strategy for producing a long-lasting sense of usefulness. But what most don’t consider, is how rapidly these lively feelings disappear. For the emotion generated after they reach each mark will quickly vanish, turning into just a memory; an experience of the past with no sentiment attached, leaving behind an empty void.

To alleviate the emptiness felt inside, new aspirations are set, hoping this process to be the vehicle for attaining a sense of purpose, as the sure fix for raising any low feelings that have rushed in. Yet, this rapid plunge from high spirits to a flattened level always surprises those found in this pursuit (even after completing all of their targets and reaching their dreams of prosperity). For none can stop dissatisfaction from rising to the surface again.

Thinking maybe the bar was set too low, these aimed even higher, pursuing accomplishments much tougher to reach (for certainly this would produce those pleasurable feelings related to production again). But because of loftier ambitions, tough choices had to be made to secure a more elevated stature, as the necessary steps for remaining at this pinnacle of success. Yet, after having attained a career peak, this outcome elicits some sorrow, as they remember the faces of those used like stepping stones along the journey, thought of as useless associations on the way to inflated dreams; only maintaining contact with rivals who had a similar view of getting ahead. For now when they look around, who they encounter are those of a less intimate quality… that of opponents, without a legitimate friend among them, thus adding loneliness to their discontentment.

When a man dedicates so much of his life chasing, with the priority on “obtaining”, of finishing the goals on his list, he is hoping to prolong the continuous charge of acceptance created by success. Though his ambitions are self-appointed, the demand to follow through with each one is still there, for he dare not leave any task undone and risk the chance of being identified as a failure. So, running after “achievement” is how he spends his days, with “finding fulfillment” his only pursuit, and “earning” the driving mechanism for prolonging relevance, believing this the way to find self-worth. But this path will never bring him ease, nor can it deliver the consistent level of euphoria he is after. Yet, as if on a wheel of constant motion, the pursuit continues, driving him towards another target, expecting this time around will produce what he is after… the continuing sensation of significance. However, after years of racing and climbing, he will still wind up feeling disconcerted. So then, how can anyone keep these disheartening emotions from returning?The opinions of others is not where validation is found as The True Measure of Success | My Daily Letters -MDL

If a man repeatedly experiences disappointment, waiting just on the other side of “finished”, then repetition is not the answer, and moving through the same process again will never produce the desired results. Nevertheless, this is the quick fix he has created, supposing he will arrive with a different conclusion after making many attempts, only to discover, he has lived life in a circle. Though setting goals is not a bad rule, aspirations should not be set to define a life. Besides, even the savviest individual still carries a sense that something is missing, and is powerless to make himself feel complete. For credentials do not demonstrate a person‘s worth, and unless there is a higher purpose behind his efforts, an understanding of wholeness will be unattainable.

Even so, this need to feel valued sits within each individual carried like a trademark inside. For this reason (as if on a mission), life is concentrated on seeking after acclaim, of searching for the way to earn some recognition. This yearning for distinction will cause many to throw their hat in the ring of accomplishment, certain this is where they will encounter honor. But when the compliments fade and there are no longer any congratulatory pats on the back, where do these turn to locate their meaning? If all their energy is spent on knowing the gratification of achievement, then how will they deal with the emptiness of unmet expectations? Though many have ascended to the pinnacles of success, upon reviewing their own efforts, they will see something has been missing. For, after exhausting every avenue, these are left feeling rather taken in, for productivity did not produce the return it had guaranteed.

Although a man’s heart holds the desire to be regarded, using his own ideas to alleviate this longing will leave him in want and drive him towards action, telling himself this is the way of acceptance. For then he will be someone of consequence. Yet, if these efforts lead to failure, why continue in this direction? Can’t he see the futility of this practice? After all, even a person held with the greatest respect is inadequate unless he surrenders himself to Me, because, the partnership I offer is built on the foundation of My love and contains deeper insight which redefines the meaning of true importance.

This change in thinking encourages a composure free from striving, since it is not based on the opinions of others to find validation. For with Me, even the most forlorn soul can know full recovery, awash in the glow of wholeness, with every barren area restored, giving a greater sense of identity and purpose, invigorated by the feelings of sincere gladness.

Now, there is no need to strain. For the compulsion to obtain distinction through promotion was arrested in the finished work of My Son. He alone is the answer to finding real substance. Even though not a single life can know true self-worth through their own capabilities, logic would recommend to keep running and continue producing. Yet, My Son gave enough for each man to know contentment by setting their heart in the ease of “adequate”. For His words convey the promise of rest by pointing the way to continuing joy and sufficiency. The answer to knowing real significance is through Jesus Christ as The True Measure of Success | My Daily Letters - MDL

When My Son stepped in as the acceptable replacement, offered up His life in the most sacrificial manner, He became “the” resolution, suspending forever man’s progression of determining his own good standing. So now, all of man’s worldly accomplishments have paled, occupying the position of a lower value. For the only irrefutable feat that can offer permanent benefits dwells apart from his own endeavors, and is liberally given to any who are eager, requiring nothing further than a heart that says “yes” to this challenge: “Will you accept Me? Will you receive Me as your Savior?”

Then, “holy” and “eternal” is where genuine prosperity lies, measured and equated through the name of My Son, Jesus Christ (without whom there is no benefit to gain, nor endeavors to remember). For solely in Him is a man’s life sustainable. What My Son carried out on the Cross soars far above everything undertaken by man! For, not only did His love deal with the faults of every individual, but it ensured those who embraced Him of knowing the freedom to gain something greater by discovering the accurate meaning of significance.

“Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand.”  Proverbs 19:21 

(Received: 11/18/2018)

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